what else besides rice paper?

Hi there, Its the logo question again. We all know that our desktop printer wont print white color. I 'd see a glassing video in which the guy put a white logo with black stoke on a colored deck. There the white part shown. I m quite curious which kind of paper he’s using. That seems to be some pro shaper doing this logo making. Regards, Crabie

Hi there, Its the logo question again. We all know that our desktop > printer wont print white color. I 'd see a glassing video in which the guy > put a white logo with black stoke on a colored deck. There the white part > shown. I m quite curious which kind of paper he’s using. That seems to be > some pro shaper doing this logo making.>>> Regards,>>> Crabie whit a digital printer you can print white, chrome, gold

Thanks man… Digital printer on rice paper or what else?

Crabie: This had come up in earlier discussion, thanks to Noodle and Ramon for the info I’ll pass on. The “rice paper” is available as Silk Span used in the model airplane builders supply catalog. This is the material that the wings are covered with then doped or painted over to seal and color the wing panels. It does come in 3 grades, light, medium and heavy. Try medium to be safe. Available in rolls and sheets. Stay away from the newer style silk span materials which are a synthetic material that may cause problems with resin/epoxy. How to get solid base color with rice paper? Ramon has mentioned that he has successfully used several coats of white acryllic/water based paint applied to the logo material and then dried well. You now have the white base you are looking for to apply to opaque colored glasswork. Others have used this same method as a base coat to apply gold acryllic background color. (See one of Deeb’s latest board logo’s). Hope it works for you. Tom Sterne>>> Hi there, Its the logo question again. We all know that our desktop > printer wont print white color. I 'd see a glassing video in which the guy > put a white logo with black stoke on a colored deck. There the white part > shown. I m quite curious which kind of paper he’s using. That seems to be > some pro shaper doing this logo making.>>> Regards,>>> Crabie http://www.thirdcoastsurf.com/images/certainly2.wav

Thanks Tom, I 'd think to try painting white color on printed side. If the artwork is not so complicate or densely, this can be work. Anyway thanks for your comments. Regards, Crabie.