I am interested to hear what you guys would make this shape like?
Technical build-contruction is dealt with, just a few more rubber flexing tubes that introduce air underneath board.
The board planes higher on the water when going in semi-straight lines.
Once you push a rail into the water, you go from flying on air to a rail acting as a break/steering device.
Once on a rail, there is not that much [drag] release from the air underneath the board [less holes in direct contact with high pressure bottom water flow], so the board behaves more like a traditional board, but with more speed to burn in your manoever/turn.
My guesses,
The fins would be somewhat higher to reach the water easier. Allowing steering when going from straight into a corner.
The fins can be placed back a bit, since you have less interference drag with all the air removing any vortices.
Shape wise:
Less hard edges necessary, so… rails should aid in pretty abrupt directional changes, without slowing the board too much… thin yet full round rails.
A bit more Rocker can be used, since the form drag is decreased. With all the speed, your turns can be faster and shorter this way.