What is a Mini mal?

What is a mini mal? I have an 8,2 mini longboard shaped by Jim Phillips that is very similar to the Cooperfish Comet by Gene Cooper-fish and the Kind Creation by Greg Hunt (any relation to Mike?). Is that what a mini mal is?

Hmm… there’s pocket rockets, mini guns, semi guns, and full guns.

You have a mini longboard.

So a mal must be somewhere between 7’5" to 8’.

And mini should be shorter.

But are there semi Mals?

My mini- est Mal was a 5’9" x 21" with a 18" nose and 16.5 tail, single fin.

Have to say, Keith said it best!

Hey, I don’t understand a word of what you guys said other than I’m getting the impression that labels don’t matter.

I’m not arguing with you, but I didn’t make up the term Mini-mal. I have no freaking idea what it is, but Clark Foam sure does. They have it as a category of blank on their webpage. There are shortboard blanks, funboard blanks (aren’t all boards funboards?), and mal/longboard blanks.

Hey, I didn’t make it up. I’m just wondering what the heck it is. That’s all.

Call me naive. I mean, I only recently learned what a chode is, and I learned it from a FIFTH grader! Yuck!. Kids know more than I do, and it’s a bit frightening.

A ‘mal’ is a ‘malibu’, which refers to the kind of foam nine or ten footer which is erroneously called a longboard by the general herd. A mini mal is a foam board which resembles a mal but is under nine feet.

PS I have often seen these lowly objects described in magazine advertising by shapers without a spellbot as “Minimals”!

Hmmm… Mini mal is i guess a marketing term. In reality things are fuzzier than that - I ride what I consider to be a shortboard 6 9 x 20 " - at 225 lbs - to me - it is a shortboard. Ask a grom at 130lb - and it’s a log - categoric distinctions are pretty useless really - unless you’re trying to sell stuff to people who don’t know much.

the greg noll history includes a paddle board team traveling to australia from greater los angeles,including the crew from south bay,they brought their Malibu shapes in balsa when the australians got a gander they enthusiadticly started makingmmmmmmMalibu boards to ride the wild Surf …of late the term is being bandied about and creeping back into the in use vocabulary…ambrose…a small red blemish that the dotor remove s

That’s true. I remember being often accused of riding a ‘mal’ during the 80’s in Raglan, when I was riding a 6’8" singlefin with a pointy nose. That was before the marketing robots decided to feed 70’s singlefinned boards to the pros.

The term ‘Malibu’ has been in almost continuous use in new Zealand and Australia. For a while during the 70’s the term ‘dunger’ was used instead, at least in New Zealand.

I was wondering if people understood what I meant by ‘Malibu La La Land’. I didn’t mean Malibu beach!

What’s a “chode?” What are some dimensions and measurments? Can I get CI to make me one? How about Rusty? Does anyone on this website ride one? Can you post pictures? Mike

Abe should know what a Chode is, after all he is the . . . . ‘Thausage king of Thicago’ !!

I’ve always heard a mini-mal used to describe in Australia and New Zealand what we would describe in America as a funboard. Under 9 ft. to 1ft. larger than the rider respectively.