I keep seeing the term used to describe a bottom contour but I haven’t been quite able to figure out what it means / looks like. Can anyone help me out? Thanks…
Edit - Wait is it basically a vee but softened up to have a slight roll to it? More rounded hull like?
Hey Jimmychuck, That is a question for Cheyne. I think you nailed it though, I was just checking out my friends new nugget. No concaves ! a rolled Vee just as you described. Also what did you think of your future fin installation ? My Fcs is not a very accurate install using there jigs.
Thanks DR. I was checking out the Merrick MSF / MSF G2’s yesterday and then today I went to the CI website and the description included rolled vee… I was searching through the site but couldn’t find anything specific. Shortly after I posted the question it kinda clicked so I’m glad to have some third-party validation.
The install went well enough. The center/deep sections are nice and snug but the larger/shallower ones don’t have the smoothest of outlines due to my jigs. Got some small bubbles also but it looks good enough overall… at least until I snap one out!
Seeing their jigs online at Fiberglass Supply gave me the idea to redo mine in plexiglass… I’ll let you know how it goes!
The main difference I have seen in a rolled vee vs. the nuggets loaded dome is that the rolled vee is in the tail or back half of the board and on the dome it runs rail to rail and tip to tip. Also the loaded dome is usually so slight you can barely see it without a straight edge. Mccoy’s website explains it more.
Thats what I did ! I took a straight edge to see if he had concaves and I saw a soft vee “dome” more towards the rails as you described. So different from all the boards in the rack these days.