What is happening to me?


Did anyone say see a dermatologist?

And yes in case you didn’t know know not only do I shape and glass surfboards, But I sell skincare products for a $500MM dermatological skincare company, I also nuter cats on Friday mornings, and in the process of building a bridge $300MM in Alaska. I am a very busy person, and you should be honored with my opinions. -Jay Gotrocks Resinhead Esq.

L’Elixir de vie This is straight off amazon The Golden Fountain

or if your french L’Elixir de vie by Coen Van der Kroon

the reviews are funny www.amazon.com/gp/product/0963209159/qid=1133404878/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/102-8820687-2952958?s=books&v=glance&n=283155

Urine, we learn, has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral, and anti-cancer properties. Also, by strengthening the immune system and correcting the imbalance which underlies most disease, it can in many cases help to cure just about anything, and it has other valuable properties too.

A chapter on Applications is included which describes the various ways urine can be used, both internally and externally, to promote health, beauty, longevity, and even sexual potency! Detailed instructions are given on drinking, bathing, gargling, douching, eye and ear drops, sniffing, massage, compresses, rubbings, foot and hip baths, scalp and hair massages, and other applications.

Chapter 5 is devoted to the ‘Medical and Scientific Aspects of Urine Therapy.’ In it we learn that urine, far from being the nasty stuff most of us suppose, is a veritable natural pharmacy. It is a sterile liquid, filtered from the blood by our kidneys, and consists of energized structured water plus upwards of some 200 substances.

Among these substances are such things as amino acids, proteins, enzymes, vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, B6,B12, ascorbic acid, etc.), hormones (gonadotropin, vasopressin, cortisone, testosterone, oestrogen, etc.) urea, allantoin, DHEA, H-11, HUD, Interleukin, prostaglandin, and so on.

Some of these are in fact being extracted from urine by today’s pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries, repackaged, and sold to us under various names - though without of course telling us where they came from. Chapter 5 concludes with a 60-item bibliography of the scientific literature.

The book then moves on to a section of personal testimonies from people around the world who have experienced the remarkable health-promoting powers of urine therapy. Their general attitude is pretty well summed up by one gentleman from India who wrote: “Urine therapy is the gift of God - a panacea - for human beings and animals” (page 80).

Kroon’s is a remarkably rich and interesting book, contains much about the How’s and Why’s and Wherefore’s that I haven’t been able to touch on here, and it can be heartily recommended to all open-minded readers. The book is also extremely well written, has a useful general bibliography, and contains a number of interesting photographs, including one of the author.

His glowing complexion would be the envy of many, and you’d be hard put to find a more vibrant, healthy-looking and bright-eyed individual. One begins to feel that, if this is what urine therapy can do for one’s health, well-being, and appearance - it might just be worth a try!

I have those spots too! It’s Tinea Versicolor, now called Malassezia furfur, is a fungus that NORMALLY inhabits the skin cells of EVERY person, so it’s not contagious. When you see the spots it just when the fungus overgrows and inhibits pigment formation hence the white spots. It decides to over grow under certain conditions like warm, humid environments[/url] (like your wetsuit). You can get a percription Ketoconazole, fluconazole, or itraconazole to clear it up or just scrub it with dandruff shampoo that contains [/url][/url]Selenium sulfide everyday for 10 minutes. This doesn’t mean it won’t flare up again though.[/url] It’s really nothing to worry about, and don’t worry about spreading it because everyone you know already has it, it just hasn’t “flared up.” [/url] [/url][/url]

oh man that is great, why was i wasting time rambling on about vegemite when i could have been telling someone to go and bathe in pee and try gargling while your at it. that is classic, whoever wrote that book must have been trying to fool people.

I too got some spots like these. Since I’m five years old…

The dermatologist told me that is some kind of mushroom (fungus, I don’t know how it’s called in english, but it’s not a bacterium, it’s something of the mushroom family). They appear when I’m tanned. Don’t worry, they won’t harm you. The same doctor used to give me some medicinals (I don’t remember wich, I was a kid) that attenuated them.

They didn’t completely go away and now the same doctor tells me that if I want to have them removed to go through a laser medication (wich costs about 500usd more or less).

Don’t worry, it’s just nature.

