What does Clark foam mean by natural rocker and how do you deviate from that when ordering a blank? How common is it for pro or experienced surfers to specify the type rocker for the blank? What do you guys order if you get say ten 6’7"R Blanks?
Rocker is a major issue… It seems every shaper has one or more proprietary rocker specs for each blank he/she uses. Clark devotes over 2 1/2 pages in their catalog just to explain the basics. I’ve heard that actual rocker data, if printed out, would be as thick as a phone book. “Natural” rocker refers to the rocker that is in the blank as shaped by the designer. It can be adjusted up or down by gluing the cut foam to wooden stringer(s) which can have more or less rocker than the original blank had. The 6’7"R comes in a “wide variety of rockers” according to the catalog. It also states, “More than ever, personal rockers are important.” Natural rocker on this blank is 5 1/8" nose and 2 1/4" tail rocker. That’s probably pretty close to what you need but a common tweak is to add 3/8" nose rocker in the last 4" inches (coded “EE” in catalog.)
Yeah, but can you in actual surfing having shaped the thing PERFECTLY tell the difference? Bet NOT. Use stock rocker and just adjust ENDS if you must. More important is thickness to rocker and rail relationship.
PS Please set me wrong if i’m spouting crap.