What makes resin go bad?

exposure to air or just time?

as in what makes uncatalyzed resin go bad?

–exposure to air or just time?

Exposure to heat,  and evaporation of styrenes. (think summer in a hot garage, in a poorly sealed container)


what makes resin go bad?


rock and roll music.

The flipside is;  When you catalyze and start a layup, forgetting to put on your respirator;  Some really bad Rock-n-Roll starts to sound pretty damned good.  That's how I got turned onto "Thin Lizzy".

Most common reason is exposure to extreme temperature shifts. Real hot, then real cold…

when I had The Surfing Underground in the 70’s, it was located in the old Radon Boatyard. I cut a deal to enclose boat bays, pour foundation in some, install to code electrical, and ventilation. For doing that I got space as needed at 35 cents per sq. ft. and hopscotched my way into about 4500 sq ft. at the height of the windsurfing craze. 

t was a pretty bitchen set up: 

(2) 10’x20’ shaping rooms, 

10’x30’ spray booth for colorwork (we did Yater’s there for a time) also had sealed switches as we shot some Emeron and high tech coatings like Linear Polyurethane, that could explode if switches sparked. The fire department guys would come in expecting Romex and shoddy nig rigged stuffed everywhere, then told me how impressed they were as the ooh’d and awed over which board they wanted.

Other large rooms as usual, laminating, sanding, lossing, polishing… the whole setup moved clockwise from room to room with genrous openings to get the work thru w/o dings.

We didn’t have heat though. In the dead of winter my glasser wrapped an electric blanket around the lam drum then roofing paper around that. He could dial the viscosity he preferred, and kept things moving along in those pre UV resin glassing days.

That was a bitchen era and one gr8 factory. I miss it to this day… TSU has a fond place in my heart forever.



what makes resin go bad?


rock and roll music.


 I was going to say  peer pressure  or  loose women  but  R&R  sums it up nicely !





associating with surfers?


I’d say it is poor parenting, most often.

I always tell my resin, “Show me your friends, and I’ll show you what you are.”

Looks like I’m going to have to start taking my resin to church on sundays.