What should I do with old copies of Surfers Journal?

I hate to pitch them, as I do all other magazines. But they are piling up. Pitch them? Make fins out of them? Glass boards with the pages?

All the best

In the early to mid '50’s, it was not uncommon to see Malibu Chips, with a Marilyn Monroe centerfold lammed under the glass. So, lamming some magazine pages under glass, would be a nod to a past practice. Go for it!

How old are they? I know a few people who’d be interested in taking them off your hands!

prob 10 plus years. boxes of them. glad to give them to you but they weigh a ton. OK, not a ton. but heavy.

all the best

I got plastic boxes of mint condition back issues
I have not thrown away…
fantasy: sell entire year volume of six for a hundred bucks…
all the singles read and some in subscription envelopes
doubles saved for posterity,some also mint condition…
Clutter?glass glossy paper under …?
physical problems with ink and adhesion
delam>?a hundred pages in an issue?
print journalism in the 21 century
a waning concern john severson, mcNulty…
going the way of charles dickens,and worse
and then dick tracy and of course his alter identity
Fearless Fosdick … what was gyro geraloose’s sidekick’s
nome de plume? was he ready kilowhat’s real father?
without these tomes research will be impossible after
the internet corrupts and diss aa peeeers?
save or preserve lake a mosquito i amber
th dredge up Dna to make new surf fossils live again.
Dora , blackout whaley,Dynamite ,gene tarzan smith
Chubby Lopez … whisps of morning mist
up close to th mountains…

The really early ones sell for decent money. I’ve seen a copy of issue #1 sell for $100.
Before you toss them, put them on ebay in lots of five or six and see if anyone bites. Like, do them as sets of one full year each.

I have a complete set, with a few doubles. I think I was one of the first 500 subscribers and got a discount on the first year.
Hard to believe it’s up to volume 26 already. Tempus Fungus, and all that.

I’m sure there would be a thousand stoked grommets who would love to read them over and over again. Even old grommets. Each issue is surfing gold.
TSJ has a certain style of photography and story, it’s beautiful to hold and makes me dream when I read one.
Far too valuable to pull apart.
I’d buy them all but the postage to Australia would be huge I guess.
I would buy them in a year by year set. How much for 6, 8 or 10 ? And then I’d buy another 10 and so on… if you’re interested.

Ha you know i normally give em to grommets , leave them at your dentists :slight_smile: Or as I’ve done in the past i always have been closing them up inside walls on renovations I’ve worked on for people to discover:)

Thanks guys. A couple of good ideas. I’ll bundle a few years and see if anyone wants them on Ebay.

Surfoils, the UPS store is nearby. I’ll bundle the last couple of years and see what it would cost to ship to Sidney. My gift to you. Unless it is crazy expensive.

All the best

If anyone is missing an issue and wants me to look for it, let me know.

All the best

I’d love to hook up with Volume 1, issues 1, 2 & 3. I was traveling a lot in the early 90’s and probable left these issues in some foreign land or the seat back pocket of an airplane before I decided that I’d like to keep the collection. I’ve seen volume 1 issues go for $100 on Ebay. Not willing to pay that much.

Gunkie, I don’t want to profit from Sways guys here. Let me see if I have them and I’ll try to get them to you.

All the best

Greg , I would like to see what you have. I lost a an early collection of SJ in my divorce. My X tossed them out before I was able to retrieve them.

Just a note here FYI… I ship a lot of different stuff and for magazines, the USPS book rate is by far the cheapest. Even to Oz. UPS has different rates for different parts of the country (go figure). I have paid more to ship from LA to San Fran than it cost me to ship from St Louis to LA for the same identical stuff. I have a smattering of Longboard Magazines that I am trying to figure out what to do with. When I was teaching, I took my Surfer mags to school and had my Marine Bio kids read them during my free reading time and they loved the travel stuff most of all as most of them had never even been to the beach!

Thanks Greg, just let me know what the cost is and I can send the $ via PayPal or direct into your bank. No problem, i can cover up to $500. Thank you for this.
And I’ll pass them on once I’ve read them.

Thanks Surfteach. Good info.

all the best

I found out about TSJ from one of local shops, it was for sale at the check out counter. I quickly became a fan, started ordering back copies, got all but five, and have subscribed since.

Somewhere around volume 23, I asked Bruce Reynolds, proprietor of the Surfinista in Cocoa Beach, Florida, if he’d like to put them in his “restaurant, bar, shop” for his patrons reading pleasure. He agreed so I loaned out all 125+ back issues.

My recommendation would be to find a similar type place to share the stoke with your local surf tribe.