My brother in law dropped this board in my lap after finding it in the dumpster at his apartment complex in Orange Country:
I would guess it has never even been waxed: clean, no pressure dents, … The dimensions on the stringer are 6’4" x 16 x 18 x 16 x 2.75 and clearly fishy. However, in a series of events, of which I have no knowledge, it has been shortened to a 5’8". Likewise, it appears to have had glassed on keels that were ground off. The tail end was cut off (nice and square) and is sealed with resin, but no glass and no re-shaping. The width of the board at the tail is now 12 7/8".
I suck and don’t regularly ride anything shorter than 7’4" so don’t have much intuition as to how so salvage this design. I have variously considered and had suggested:
Knock the corner off, glass it, and see how it rides
Shape a fish tail into the remaining foam, leave it 5’8" and re-fin
Add material (foam and/ or balsa) to bring it back to 6’4", shape, glass and re-fin
Curious what the afishianados out there recommend.