So I work for some people with furniture in the dining room that is veneered, and finished in…drum roll please…good old polyester resin. This is strange to an old house framer such as myself, when you can get stain and varnish in one can, shake the can and slap it on to the damn turd with a disposeable brush, then go surfing (priorities right?). However the painter back in the day figured out you get one hell of a polished like glass finish on exotic custom pieces with this surfboard stuff.
Now the problem. At thanksgiving, the buffet pot boiled over, and caused a fissure to open up. The wood veneer and finish split, and separated, while peeling back.
The painter has tried every chemical he can find to strip the polyester, and redo the top of the piece. He even sent out of the country for stuff that is 'Ahem' not listed as ok round these parts, and nothing can even touch that beautifull but ruined poly finish.
I tried the search function, but did not see a clear result. Can somebody here tell me if there is something that can strip or disolve this stuff?
If there is a thread on this, please just point me towards it.
methylene chloride will do the trick. It is a component in some paint removers. Nasty stuff, though. It can soak thruogh some protective gloves. Try some paint remover gel that has methylene chloride in it. Sometimes it takes a while.