what to do

I just glassed another board in the garage and my wife’s do home in an hour…She says the smell of resin gives her a headache…How do you guys handle this delicate situation?

I just glassed another board in the garage and my wife’s do home in an > hour…She says the smell of resin gives her a headache…How do you guys > handle this delicate situation? …strip everything out off the floor,take out the trash that contains the resin products,take the board outside(I lock mine up in my truck shell to quick cure).Air the area out with a couple fans,and burn some incensor use some air freshener(LOTS!!!).I THINK FAST,I MOVE FAST, SO WE GOT TO ACT FAST, IF YOU DON’T NEED MY HELP,GOOD LUCK GENTLEMEN I’M OUT OF HERE,BUT PRETTY PLEASE WITH SUGAR ON TOP…CLEAN THE F–KING CAR.DA WOLF/Herb.

I just glassed another board in the garage and my wife’s do home in an > hour…She says the smell of resin gives her a headache…How do you guys > handle this delicate situation? MEKP makes that smell. Suncure lams use no MEKP. Use Suncure instead. -Noodle

Easy. Get a new wife aloha!!

The resin will give me a headache without a mask too. Find a place that will not affect other people or quit building like several people I know. You could also have a glassing factory finish the board. Some folks are very sensitive to the fumes like you wife. I am finishing my last home board for a long time time to come. A 10’2" which will be documented on my web site. Anthony>>> I just glassed another board in the garage and my wife’s do home in an > hour…She says the smell of resin gives her a headache…How do you guys > handle this delicate situation? http://www.viser.net/~anthwind/

Sorry, got carried away.When I saw Tuna’s post about a garage,and a wife coming home from work ,it reminded me of the garage seen with Harvey Keitel as the Wolf in the movie"Pulp Fiction"(the capitalized part of my previous post at the end of the message)again sorry, it was meant as humor.Herb.

Easy. Get a new wife>>> aloha!! Preferably, one who surf’s & shapes her own boards !!!

I just glassed another board in the garage and my wife’s do home in an > hour…She says the smell of resin gives her a headache…How do you guys > handle this delicate situation? Do it all outside, you end up with bugs and pieces of leaves in the glass job but it’s not too bad. And go far as you can from the house, my wife still complains. Good luck, h2ofxk

Glassing in a attached garage is not real good chemical hygene. One a year may be ok - but, if you have young kids or a pregnant wife - I would find an alternative. Resin is known to cause birth defects in the state of California. So, consider a move to another state if you are in CA. But, here is a real and cheap solution. Get yourself an inexpensive “dinning tent” - Cost about $50 at Wal-Mart. About 12’ x 12’ square - has a mesh screen on 4 sides. No bugs, no smell, no bitching wife, no falling leaves - sets up in about 15 minutes. I got the idea when I saw Ricky Carroll (Quite Flight) do a shaping demonstration in - you guessed it - a tent. Shine http://users.leading.net/~shine

I just glassed another board in the garage and my wife’s do home in an > hour…She says the smell of resin gives her a headache…How do you guys > handle this delicate situation? I had to move out into the driveway. Just make sure you keep an eye on your glass jobs, you will have to pick out the bugs when they hit. When I do it in the gargage, I seal off the entry door with towels under it. Don’t open it until you have aired out you garage with fans, or it will create a vacum and fill the house. Good Luck!

You must have a brain like a tuna! What are you thinking? Get some exhaust put in for both your sake or go build a shed in the back yard. Resin fumes have been known to cause cancer in the state of Califonia! So maybe move to another state or get your wife a respirator.

…the tent idea may work…My wife hated sleeping in her new respirator and the dogs wouldn’t keep thiers on! I wonder if sun cure resin would start to go off in a tent?

Thanks, Shine. I’m gonna buy one of those there tent/screen thingies for building my next form. My wife is so sensitive to foam, glass, and resin that I have to change clothes in the garage before going inside. The tent would also block top light / supply side light for sighting foam shape. Your idea is another one of those head slappers. Duh… Why didn’t I think of that.>>> Glassing in a attached garage is not real good chemical hygene. One a year > may be ok - but, if you have young kids or a pregnant wife - I would find > an alternative. Resin is known to cause birth defects in the state of > California. So, consider a move to another state if you are in CA.>>> But, here is a real and cheap solution. Get yourself an inexpensive > “dinning tent” - Cost about $50 at Wal-Mart. About 12’ x 12’ > square - has a mesh screen on 4 sides. No bugs, no smell, no bitching > wife, no falling leaves - sets up in about 15 minutes. I got the idea when > I saw Ricky Carroll (Quite Flight) do a shaping demonstration in - you > guessed it - a tent.>>> Shine

This may be hard without a photo but I’ll try. I’ve got a green thumb and have always wanted a greenhouse but not bad enough to build one. Last spring I decided my kids had outgrown the Walmart 14’ circular trampoline with the cover I have had resewn umpteen times. I was daydreaming while removing all 9,562 of those rusty springs from the perimeter of that tubular frame…as I got down to the tubing I yanked the 4 legs off and was left with the circular frame that can be separated into 2 large 1/2 circles 7 feet high. I’m awake now as I notice that the hoops have perfectly aligned leg braces that would allow me to separate the two semicircles about 10 feet apart and connect each of the 4 leg braces with a 10’ section of 2" or so electrical conduit (drilled and bolted) and end up with a really rigid framework to cover. You can add more height or more length by extending with more conduit. Cost was about $25.00 for the conduit. I’ve been putting the word out around town for more unused frames, lots of them out there that kids have outgrown or with ripped covers. Most people are happy to get rid of them. I recyled the tramp cover for shade cloth for a summer garden on mine. Tom>>> I just glassed another board in the garage and my wife’s do home in an > hour…She says the smell of resin gives her a headache…How do you guys > handle this delicate situation?

TUNA…just glassed 3 boards for the kids up the street in -you guessed it - a screened gazebo tent type job - paid 35 bucks at k-mart. I’ve got 80 foot white pines, out back, and you should see the NEEDLES! Damned screen house works great…not great for the environment,though…but you’ve got to save your lungs from the enclosed space of your garage…P.S. you’ll never get rid of that scent from your garage…trust me. The screen house keeps the bugs to a minimum too! Trippy…ever see how flies swarm to your resin?! Good luck, T.

For the sake of home stabilty it’s better to shape in the garage and then take the blank to a glass shop.

I just glassed another board in the garage and my wife’s do home in an > hour…She says the smell of resin gives her a headache…How do you guys > handle this delicate situation? Prior to my current glassing method I had the same problem with my ‘better half’. I used plastic sheeting to cover all of the seams around the door of the garage and taped them shut with 2 inch tape. Then I set up a couple of fans to blow the garage out during and after the process was complete. I was informed by my wife that it would be in my “little hobbys’” best interest if I could come up with a glassing method that didn’t involve her or the kids smelling carcinogenic fumes. I now own a tent…with mesh, yada, yada, yada…