What to do?

Yo All,

A friend and I have our flights booked for Cali (LAX on the 11th-26th) and an RV booked. But the rv company are now claiming they don’t have any in the size we ordered and the next one up is double the price (and 25ft, designed for sleeping 6).

I’ve searched around quite a bit and am drawing up blanks for alternatives. I found an awesome aircooled dub hirer but they are booked until September :'(.


Hi Olly, cant help you with your problem but just wanted to comment on your t4… nice!

good to see another uk’er on here, do you build your own boards?


you are lucky you found out before you went!

we got to our hotel and we had no room! they had booked us in for the wrong month!

and it was del mar racing season, no rooms anywhere!!

there is a bid site where we got our car hire from i will try and find the link as they did campers too.

There is an off brand hire shop on century blvd. Try a internet search for the phone number, sorry I can’t remember the name. Nice guy though and the car got us to mexico, AND BACK! :wink: He had some vans also.

all in or serving LA area





definitely check internets for business reviews, comments and complaints.

I got royally hosed when we rented an RV for bonaroo a few years back,

but that was by some podunk fack in BFE Tennessee and not a larger


Buy the insurance and/or confirm with your insurance company you are

covered in the rented vehicle (if you’re not, the added charge to get

covered may be nominal compared to the company’s own policy) and

definitely take before and after shots of the interior and exterior of

the vehicle.

ping me when you get to LA and we’ll get some tacos and a surf.

Since you have a bit of time yet you might check any documentation you have from the company and see if they make any disclaimers about possible lack of availability after booking. If they didn’t give them a call and mention “false advertising” and/or “bait and switch” and “better business bureau” all in one sentence. Ya never know, they just might suddenly “find” one in your size.

if you think by renting an RV you can find a place to street park it for free instead of a motel room or comparable parking fee(comparable to motel) in an RV Park?..your very wrong.

Also it seems you want to head to Santa Cruz starting from Southern California…not very advisable from a surf standpoint.

Orange County : Huntington Beach to Oceanside is the best summer surfing area in the US. Most size and consistency.

Hey iolly just get outta inglehood as soon as possible, hit the bu forty minutes north

SurfingDog: I don’t shape but I am 26, working my arse off to get a house and mortgage-free and 6 years into trying to do a graceful cutback and getting barrelled. When I have less work and more skills I hope to have a crack at it as a hobby :D. Thanks for the T4 comment, that pic is of MKI, the van has changed a lot since then! I’ll try and get some pics up of MKII. Looks like you shape from your pic, do you have a T4 to?

PaulUK: Gutting! I nearly didn’t as the damn email went into my spam filter!

dlock: Backup plan is to get a car or chevy van and a tent :smiley:

afoaf: Will defo take you up on the offer, could do with recommendations of where to get a board or two to :smiley:

http://www.metrorv.com/ : Got hosed by

http://www.adventuretouring.com/ : Trying now

http://www.camperusa.com/ : Got hosed by

http://www.cruiseamerica.com/ : $4200 for 2 :cry: and only have 25fters

We’ve done a lot of t’internet searches and applications, it just seems we left it too late to get a smaller RV :(.

DrStrange: They confirmed nothing sadly, they are totally in the right and well within their rights. It just went to my spam filter and they took all my credit cards so I assumed I had made a booking. In the UK I book a lot of hire cars and if they don’t have my booking in I get a free upgrade, I naively assumed it would be the same for RV hire in the States.

Otis: We’re booking into RV parks/or campsites these are booking up quickly now to! We’ve got a guide to just turn up campsites. Any recommendations are welcome! Also keeping our plans flexible, both of us see this as the first trip of many, if there is surf we’ll probably stay in OC and the surrounding area, if it’s flat we’ll head up North and go to San Fran. Priority one is surf, priority two is get a taste for as much of Cali as possible.