What to shape for somebody who refuses to ride a longboard on small days?

As the title says, my brother refuses to ride anything long. Not 9’, not 8’ or 7 or even 6 for small waves. So I guess I’m looking at a simmons? He has a 5’6 everyday hybrid thing I shaped for him that he likes, but I’ve never done a simmons type board before. 

Anyway, he’s small, 5’5, 120lbs, resonable fitness and skill. I want to do something that’ll actually be useful on small days, more so than his current board. He wants a quad. He’s fine with a 5’6 again, but with significantly more surface area and a bit more volume, lower rocker etc… all the usual small wave fixings of a longboard replacement.  We surf beach break. 

What blank do I even use? Greenlight has a simms blank I think. 5’10” RP from us blanks and take 5’6 from it then turn nose up a bit?

Happy Thanksgiving swaylocks. It’s flat here for now but hope you’re getting waves. 

A wide fish , happy thanksgiving to you , its flat here too .

Fishy mashup with a little curve in the rear quarter.  You take a 5-0 or 5-2 shape out of the middle of the 5-10 RP and don’t do anything to the rocker that’s left.   Run an 80s style flat deck with chined deck rail and a standard fish bottom  - flat with a barely-there chine at the rails to loosen it up.   Set the fins to the rear and cut the buttcrack shallow so he’ll have to surf it off the tail.  I put the arch bar from a tail pad ('cause that’s all you need) so far back that I had to offset the leash plug.  


Small keel with a canted leader in front provides plenty of drive and hold, even going backside.  But at your rider’s size you could also do a Speed Dialer combo.   


^^   That board was 5-5 in length and had ample float for 190# surfer.  

I prefer riding small boards in small waves, too.

I have/had retrofishes (lis style) , minisimmons and recently something that is similar to a Mandala Superchunk.

With the simmons I had good and bad days, the Lis style fish and the Mandala inspired board are more user friendly for me.

But the boards I like the most are my Mini-Noseriders / Minilogs.

(something like a short Takayama Scorpion or a Canvas MNR512)

I´m 6.4 and 200lbs, my Retrofishes and Simmons are appr. 5.10 and my Mininoseriders 6.4.

Flat rocker, wide planshapes (the new Minilog will have an asymmetric tail to deal with the wide outline)

The Mininoserider can catch anklesnappers with 6.4x22 and my 200lbs.

At 120lbs I´d think a scaled down version would be in the ballpark of 5.6x20.5 or similar and it will have ample float.