what to use to sharpen block planer

what should i use to sharpen my planer blades? thanks ryan y

what should i use to sharpen my planer blades? thanks ryan y…A wetstone and a leather strap.Herb.

what should i use to sharpen my planer blades? thanks ryan y if your really serious about shaping buy a tomek sharpening wheel. i got one about three years ago and i never missed the 400 bucks. if your shaping daily it will make your life better.

if your really serious about shaping buy a tomek sharpening wheel. i got > one about three years ago and i never missed the 400 bucks. if your > shaping daily it will make your life better…I miss using Rich Harbour’s for sure!!!Herb.

hey herb, cough up that 400 bucks. you only live once!

hey herb, cough up that 400 bucks. you only live once! …Rich taught me to use a barber’s strap after using the wheel …it takes the nural(sp?) off the edge of the blade.A steel butcher block rod will do the same thing…Gene do you do this? Just wondering?Herb.

herb, i hone it with the leather wheel thats on the tool using honing compound. the machine is a TORMEK SUPERGRIND 2004. check out this link. the price looks higher than i got mine for out of a catalog. http://www.fine-tools.com/masch.htm

TORMEK SUPERGRIND 2004. heres a better link w/ US dollars. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B0000223ZB/ref=ase_thecrimsonbirdbo/102-2153892-7127304

TORMEK SUPERGRIND 2004. heres a better link w/ US dollars…Gene thanks a ton.Herb…p.s. Would like to see your boards,(I saw one about a year ago at San-o,nice fishy!).