What would you make out of this wreckage?

Well, my wings may have already been clipped. The skin was pretty easy to pull off without a mess. I used a rubber mallet and chisel to score along the rails, then just peeled. But unfortunately, I don’t like what I see. Please chime in if you think I am wrong. I think I found this board on Alibaba, so I’m guessing this is a cheap-ass chinese quasi-board. From the picture, I think someone did a bad job shaping it, then filled it with some kind of PU glue or foam, then glassed the hell out of it. Lots of tears and voids in the EPS (which, although dense is REALLY large grained). can’t believe how thick the skin is (not even counting the 1/16 foam. thoughts? I’m pretty ready to wave off it.

yeah, no, I’m done. I pulled off more. Its waterlogged as hell, has glue lines all over the place, as well as cracks, and staples! I have no idea why, but it looks like someone stapled along the rail in a bunch of places before the softtop went on. This is the least artfully built thing I think I’ve ever seen. Going in the trash, and back to building my hypto krypto

There’s always handplanes.

I’ve heard of the staple thing before in Chinese popouts; it’s not uncommon. Can’t remember what their function is. Looks to my eye like that’s sandwich construction with a cheap PU sheet foam over the EPS.
Waste of time for sure.

A waste of time for sure, but it can serve as a practice platform. Why not try different shaping techniques and tool to hone your skills. Take a chunk and try your hand at shaping a rail. Take another piece and try a concave or two. Practice, practice, practice.

I still think you should get proper blank and shape a fish. Not that difficult of a design. mike

Yup doing it.