What's Old is New, Again?



Found these snapshots.

From 1975!

A stand-up or kneeboard. It was very loose, if I remember.

4’8’’ x 19-1/4". It was a stripped-glass re-shape. One of my first boards. Did the glassing as well. I was, maybe, 15.

[img_assist|nid=1048155|title=4'8'' tri fin|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=204|height=640]

saw some of your stuff at Mollusk in S.F. yesterday... real nice.

that new batch of shortboards, that carbon Reflex, a custom quad step-up (7'2" i believe) and a bambo/kevlar custom step up...

the quad step-up really spoke to me. i've seen some others that you've done posted on the surfermag bulletin board. the rear 1/3 just look perfect...


the reflex is the blue one pictured here: