What's the most popular short board length?

i know it’s all preference/height/weight/waves but i was just wondering what length short boards sell the fastest right now? anyone notice a trend going shorter or longer? what do you ride? any info would be totally appreciated… thanks jg

My guess is 6’3" I used to ride a 6’4" but now ride a 6’8" since I gained 15pounds.

of the last 1000 i did 128 were 6’0" and 97 were 6’2" it gets messy after that, hope thats a help http://feraldave.com

6’4" seem to me to be one of the most popular lengths. Still short but big enough to still have some float.

Depends on the area you live or are selling to. When I lived in South Africa it was 6ft to 6’3ft but further up the east coast towards J-bay it would be 6’3 to 6’5ft boards and in the UK its 7’6 to 9’6. Look at your local surfshop check what is in stock. They are not going to stock boards that don’t sell. Cheers

hey diverse…what is the new glassing you are doing?