What's the most versatile surfboard design? Aka - One board quiver.

you did say one board… + a mat = my quiver.

good question Cuttlefish…

i’m liking the answeres…

but, when i begin to think about what the answer is for me,

it’s kinda along the same lines as deciding which leg i would

keep if i could only keep one… i don’t like any of the options…

beyond that, i agree with DudleyPerkins…

thats exactlly my travel quiver! my Dale S / UDT’s and a five fin bonzer----goes anywhere and rides anything----throughtout central amera and north america

Thanks Greg for posting that thread link. My search didn’t bring that one up and it was very interesting.

For myself, I couldn’t happily restrict myself to one board these days but having moved 20kms from the beach to escape the growth that has blossomed (sic) on my part of the coast I don’t have the luxury of walking across the road to see what’s happening anymore.

Another factor which affects my board choice these days is crowds. Quite often I find myself choosing a board which sacrifices outright turning ability for wave catching and paddle power simply to get my share.

The crazy thing is there’s still days when there is no crowd followed by the next which resembles fleas on a dog. The conditions may be very similar but last Tuesday I roll up at a point and there’s only a few out and booming sets. Miss the next day but friends say its the same. Thursday 20 or so out but wind has dropped off a bit and so has the swell.

The following day, Friday, the swell picks up and the crowd has quadrupled. Who’s riding what? Anything and everything out in the water. Except anyone riding a mat that is.

The guys riding longboards are getting all the sets, the young crew on chips are brawling over the inside ones. Many on different craft, funboards and fish picking up the scraps.

Time for the versatile board.

I feel your pain. I’m about 2 hours from decent surf and I take 2 or 3 boards just to make sure I’m covered. The other 1 or 2 bake in the car.

And when I travel out of the country, I want to be prepared without being a gear freak. so a couple of boards come with me.

It used to be a lot more simple. One 9-6 LB was all I owned.

Tough decision. It’s like asking a golfer to play an 18 with only one club. I would pick a CI Flyer style or a Parmenter Stub Vector.

The baking in the car is a real problem. Summer here in Qld turns the a car into an oven. A favourite Al Bryne 6’10" which had travelled around the world and survived all kinds of mayhem in Mexico and Indonesia was cremated in my car on my return home. Only took under an hour in the midday sun.

Looks like one of Greg Webbers new super deep twin concaves but with the added design innovation of ripples provided by the stretch cover it was in.

I saw two bonzers and almost every board over seven feet. Mind you I didn’t look for very long. One fish. No shortboards?

Figured it might be worth getting this thread back on the front page to see if anyone else has some thoughts on the one board quiver scenario?

funny you should ask,

I just gave up the new board

I made for jimmy

it is a 9’3 x22x3x17?x14 1/2?

med thin rail step deck

round tail

bevel rail forward

it’s a universal.

and a piping hot 0-60

2-12’ quick

to adapt ride it all

jumpin jaques phlasche.

twould be cool

if’n jimmy would post the photes

I was takin’mental photos

with my mind this evening

as he was reading the exit

signs and speculativly guessing

the tomorrow morning strategy

I said he should take it to swaylocks

and we both agreed it will be cold.

then the rain woke me up and

when I walked up to the shed to dump the

water from the tarp

I went in and looked at

the slow to go off gloss on the 9’6

of the same flav just a little thinner

and looked up at the empty rack

where the jimmy board has been residing

and kinda missed it.

every one of my boards has two names

on deck the mantra for the pilot

and the name on the bottom to relate to the ocean.

both deived from hawaiian dictionary divining.

concious/unconcious open the dictionary and find the name in four columns.

than you auntie edith…


the only draw back to this rendition is the glass on single fin

and the non compliant length to fly on the airplane

or ups or good ol’ fed ex.

versitile within limits …pick some.

That woul have been south coast foam.

Hi, swaylockians!

I agree with the teacher Laird: a longboard 8’-9 ’ with several configuration of fins it can be the best option, at least for the zone in which I practise surf. Cadiz, Spain.

Practically it is possible to use it every day, and when the waves are big, she allows very fluid and linked movements, apart from being a great amusement. (Another it is problems to be able to keep it in home, hahaha!!) Good waves.

What a bunch of old guys!!! : ) We don’t surf to paddle, we surf to fly! Give up on those fun boards, long boards, eggs and all. The perfect all around board is one that turns as fast as you can think, puts you where you want to be, and gets you to the shoulder when the ride is over.

For me the one board quiver would be a clean rounded pin, 6 inches longer than you are tall, as wide as your arm from wrist to arm pit, a tail 3" wider than your foot, and a nose that cuts through the water without sinking.

Wide point a few inches behind midpoint. Single concave to V out the back.

If you can’t catch waves, don’t ride a crutch! Get in better shape and paddle stronger.

What a bunch of old guys!!! : ) We don't surf to paddle, we surf to fly! Give up on those fun boards, long boards, eggs and all. The perfect all around board is one that turns as fast as you can think, puts you where you want to be, and gets you to the shoulder when the ride is over.

For me the one board quiver would be a clean rounded pin, 6 inches longer than you are tall, as wide as your arm from wrist to arm pit, a tail 3" wider than your foot, and a nose that cuts through the water without sinking.

Wide point a few inches behind midpoint. Single concave to V out the back.

If you can’t catch waves, don’t ride a crutch! Get in better shape and paddle stronger.

Hah! Well by and large we are a bunch of old guys. Part of the deal w/ the one board quiver idea is “deal with reality not fantasy”. So deal wid it…

If I had to keep it to one single craft I’d take my Neumatic without second thought and never look back…and I don’t have the legs for UDT’s

Seriously thinking of a 7’4’’ x 22 x 2 3/4 egg/minimal. I’ve been mucking around with AKU shaper, and i figure all i have to do is put the file onto a “stick”, then take it down to Officeworks and get it printed.

Anyway, my old 7’6 minimal did it all in our waves here, and i should have made a copy sooner. Just need some cash!!!

P.S i dont know if it will attach or not, but i attached the brd file.

I think if I had to take only one board with me everywhere I’d take this one but with removable fins instead of glassed. A 7’2" x 18 & 3/4" x 2 & 1/2".

9’11 balsa pintail

A 6 foot Alaia and a pair of flippers ! Ride it prone under 1ft and over 6ft, stand-up on everything in between ! Fit’s under the seat of my car, slides between the wall and the bookshelf at home ! Durable as all hell, light as anything, super easy to repair! If I could only have one board, this would be it !

Dumb question!!

Do you ride those things standing with fins??

Ha ha ! no, the fins are just for the tiny and massive days when I’m riding prone. Over one foot or under 6 foot I ride standing. The alaia also opens up those reefs that have times when they’re just that bit too shallow for a finned longboard and too small for a shortboard. It’s like I have all these new “secret” spots that are right out in the open where everyone can see !!!