what's wrong????

please tell me the brand of ur UV resin. once i repaired some dings with solarez and it was damn awesome.

The uv is an additive you will get from a surf supplies store, you add it to the resin instead of catalyst
It comes in powder form
Try where you got your resin from

thanks Pauluk, the bad thing is where I got my resin it’s a small surfshop and i don’t think they have it. I found a online shop but they sell a 3kg can of UV cure resin (33€+11€ shipping). Don’t know what to do.

Do you know a online shop there in Éire where I can order just the additive?

Thank you for helping me guys.


Ask them if they have uv catalyst powder it will work out cheaper
In europe Seabase sell it it’s around €27 for a 5 gallon powder mix
I get mine from America in bulk

thx Pauluk I’ll order it from seabse




Gotta love UV....unlimited work time as long as the sun don't hit it...and I need lot's of time..there's nothing worse than your coat gelling up when half of your cloth is still dry...PANIC!! FRUSTRATION..AAHHHHH!!!!!!!!.....none of that measuring and pecentage...math Blahh...yeah , UV for me


please tell me the brand of ur UV resin. once i repaired some dings with solarez and it was damn awesome.

[/quote] The brand I use is Composite Resource and it's easy to get here in Cali..sounds like getting ahold of that powder additive is the way to go for you over there...It realy makes glassing anything, dare I say "fun"...I used to loath the rush and panic of trying to get my resin layed out before it kicked off. To be honest I don't glass most of my boards myself so I never got good or fast enough to do it with confidence, but when I do I'll only use UV now.

when i’ll have the aditive i will never use normal catalyst, i don’t wanna do it in a rush. i need a lot of time and i wanna have fun doing it. i need around 20-30 minutes to finish it and the catalyst gives me just 5-10-15 minutes.

do you think is a problem to do the 2nd and the 3rd layer with the uv cure instead of catalyst(the deck is done with catalyst)???

you should be doing all the layers in one batch, i would do the one layer on the bottom first then let it dry, grind down the laps then lam the two(or however many layers of cloth you want to use) layers of cloth at one time

also you dont want to be taking 30 min to lam the board, too much resin will soak in and make the board heaver than needed

i did the 1st  deck layer and i ran out of resin… till tuesday i can’t do anything. what i want is like i said to have something like a sandwich (deck 6oz after bottom 6oz and the last one deck 4oz). it’s just a hypothesis that with this kind of sandwich layers i’ll get the rails stronger.

what’s the next step after i put the 2nd layer on the deck?

thank you

grind down the laps and hot coat

good luck and post some pics

what u mean with grind down the laps??

the procces of the entire board is here http://www2.swaylocks.com/forums/64-fish-project?page=1#comment-1427277


after you lam the board, the outline of the cloth ( the part that is raised and near the rails) needs to be gringed down flush with the board, if not or if you have done this already then just hotcoat the board and sand it down

thanks a lot, i am out of resin so till tomorrow evening i can’t do anything
