what's wrong????

hey guys i just tried to laminate the board and the resin(polyester) got like gel in no time.for 500 ml of resin i put 13ml of catalyst and the second time just 8ml. both times  the mix cured in like 5 minutes not enought to finish it,  i had to remove it and tomorrow i’ll buy epoxy and try it again.

some advices???


Are you sure you didn’t use UV cure resin and you were in sunlight when laminating?

NO I did it inside the house. the time to cure is about 15 minutes right? what if i’ll put less catalyst? about 1.5%?

Hopefully the poly experts will chime in here, but if you got a cure in 5 minutes, putting in too much catalyst, the resin would have gotten dangerously hot. Like, beyond hot-coat hot. That is why they call hot coats “hot” coats. Last UV question and then we can rule it out: did you laminate near a window where sunlight can get through?

no, the house was in a complete shadow no sun nbo UV lights. my resin is not a UV cure. 

the problem can be the wind coz i did it near to the door (i don’t think so but who knows, i am not a poly expert hahaha).

i am so pissed  about my first attempt

please guys help meeeeeeeee

make sure that as soon as you add the catalysis to start to spread it out all over the board, if you forget about the resin and let it just sit there it will kick vary fast unless you spread it out

if that isnt the problem use less catalysis, if 13ML of cat. kicks off in 5 min. then use 6ML and you should have 2 times longer to play around

personally i think that 13 ML is too much so try cutting the amount of cat. down a bit

oh and im sure the wind had nothing to do with it

and what is the temperature in your work area, that has a big affect on the kick time as well

i would also suggest using uv resin, could help

first timer, no set pattern, wetting rails a nightmare, 13 cc, way too fast, certain to get caught with your pants down.

A better take on first time, 7cc’s get it all wet out and “cleaned” up, you know there ain’t no such thing first time, baby sit it for about 10 15 minutes and mix up a hotter fill coat and squeegee it on and off, that’ll fill the pin air and seal the slower first batch

first timer, no set pattern, wetting rails a nightmare, 13 cc, way too fast, certain to get caught with your pants down.

A better take on first time, 7cc’s get it all wet out and “cleaned” up, you know there ain’t no such thing first time, baby sit it for about 10 15 minutes and mix up a hotter fill coat and squeegee it on and off, that’ll fill the pin air and seal the slower first batch

     Howzit colin, I have no idea when it comes to measuring MLs but if you could turn the amounts into oz's and cc's I would have a clearer picture.I know that MLs and cc's are about the same but as for oz's and ML's I am clueless. Listen to Jim since he obviously has the conversion down. I 13 ML's is the same as cc's then for 13 ml's I would use about 14 OZ's of resin or maybe 13 OZ's of resin since you haave to take into consideration the environment. Aloha,Kokua

Hi kokua
A ml is equal to a cc

Yeah start out with around 6-7 ml for a first try you got to be quick to use 13!

that kind of reminds me of the first time i used suncure - measured out the resin, added the suncure then left it in a dark place for 10 minutes or so so steep. burnt my fingers on the pot when i went to collected it - and realised that i'd also added the catalyst. you have got to be really quick and get it spread out fast - the more you have in the pot the quicker it goes off. taping down the glass round the rails makes it so much easier as the glass is more or less held tightly down

..its not going to be the wind as curing is a chemical reaction that accelerates with heat..

epoxy means you can take more time, but the baby-sitting can mean you poke at it too much. if you try epoxy then remember that it also kicks quickly in the pot and needs to be on the board where you have much more time to work it.

thanks guys for the advices maybe i figure it out what the problem was “the temperature” at 29 degree Celsius/84.2 degree Fahrenheit with a 2,5% of catalyst I had to be damn quick. I will try to do it this night


1 % of 500mls = 5mls catalyst


is it summer in spain now mate ?


 does it get up to , say , 35-40 degrees C there now ?


  what time of the day ,  and what was the temperature  when you laminated ...




? 500mls? 


  how small is your board ? how many layers of what ounce cloth ?





I only use 1 - 1.5% catalyst when lamming as  i have only shaped a few boards, the average temperature i’ve been working in is 19 - 23 degrees (British summer) this gives me about 7 - 10 minutes work time and trust me i need every second of it!



yeah i am about to put just 1%.

it’s “so” summer here everyday 28º-34º with 58% humidity. yesterday i did it at 7PM  today i will try to do it at 10 pm.

my board it’s a 6’2" —> http://www2.swaylocks.com/forums/64-fish-project

i’ll put a 6oz bottom and 6 and 4oz on the deck. 


i figure it out how to laminate it, for this country  at 26º C 1% of catalyst it’s so fuckin enough 10-15 min workin.

laminating the deck was like a horror movie, 1 guy(me) and two girls(my gfr and a friend) workin so damn hard, i was full of resin from fingers to neck. next time i’ll wear normal shoes not flip flops like today.

definitely laminating is the hardest part of makin a surfboard I need a course hahahaha i watched lots of videos but I’m still a loser shaper.

i think the final result will be a lil “de palo” but i can’t do anything just practicing 



" 1 guy(me) and two girls(my gfr and a friend) workin so damn hard, "


two girls helping you eh ?!  ......yes , i can see that WOULD make it hard


Well, on another note ,


  maybe try laminating in the MORNING , when the temperature is still relatively cool , yes ?


 cheers !




please take photos [of the board i mean , not the broad[s] ...although i won't stop you if you WANT to show the er help at hand ...]

      Howzit pauluk, So how many ML's in an oz or how many oz's in 500ML's, I knew about the ML's and CC's but not about ML's and oz's I am just wondering how much resin was the 13 CC's of catalyst put in to. They didn't teach us this stuff when I was in school. Aloha,Kokua

Gotta love UV....unlimited work time as long as the sun don't hit it...and I need lot's of time..there's nothing worse than your coat gelling up when half of your cloth is still dry...PANIC!! FRUSTRATION..AAHHHHH!!!!!!!!.....none of that measuring and pecentage...math Blahh...yeah , UV for me

Hi kokua
500mls is 16.90 oz of resin

I say try uv it is great