.....when a board 'dies' ?

no ,

it’s not snapped or anything .

But today , I couldn’t help but notice …how heavy , ‘dead’ , and lifeless the ‘prawn’ felt in the water . (I think Pascal [‘popeye’] did too , but was being polite / diplomatic.)

so…what do you guys do with the boards of yours that you feel have seen better days ?

cheers ,


p.s. - no , I am NOT going to once again strip it , and reshape it [ and have to remove 10 plugs , a legrope plug , and a finbox ?! not]… It was already a stripped and reshaped single fin , years ago…

Sell/give them to your friends who’s boards are even worse than your “dead” one. Give them plenty of fins too.

i keep applying bondo to dead/soft areas to give it a little more life.i repeat until it just absolutely has no feeling left…

Go give it to a hot chick or a needy grom.

Put it on E-Bay: “This unique surfboard once belonged to the legendary Chipfish61. Do yourself a favor: own a genuine piece of surfing history!!! Only $2300.00!!!”

I’m with Balsa, the prawn is famous, well here anyway.

I’ve had a few that seemed to die. Of course they didn’t really change at all, just come to the end of their life as you progress past them.

Maybe it’s a good thing Chip, time for a new one eh?


Give it to a kid. Mike

The last board I killed I left in Hawaii. (this February) It was a 6’7" Yellow Thruster with MR. Burns drawn on the nose of it. I stuck it in the sand right in front of “Off the Wall” w/ a note that said “for anyone to Ride. Enjoy the stoke and pass it on” I can picture some kid tearing it up right now on it. Or its sitting on consignment in some shop on the North Shore. If any of you see that board…well…you know where it came from.


I agree with most here…give it to a needy grommet. Some old guy gave me a shitty longboard when i was little, it was probably ‘dead’ to him too, but i wore it out completely…rode it like 5 years.

you’ll make some kids day, and you know your charity isn’t being squandered on mobile homes that sit empty because bureaucrats can’t get them to people who need them…

definately a swaylockian sentiment , thanks guys !

… I just hope it wouldn’t retard their learning curve ,


I need to find a kid who will actually USE it , regularly .

twenty or so dings and delams to fix , and a few litres of water to empty out of it somehow first .

I don’t know how groms are where you live , but here , if it ain’t a thin thruster [like "everyone else rides "] , you can’t even GIVE it away [council collections are testimony to that]

cheers ,


council collections?

Kids should be happy to get such a strange piece of surfcraft, or anything that floats for that matter. Hell, send it to young Josh, you know he’ll put it to use…though it seems he has more of a quiver than any 15 year old i’ve ever seen.

Are council collections like a halfway house for broken thrusters?

" Are council collections like a halfway house for broken thrusters?"

…you got it in one , mate !

i had a really bitchin’ 9’ round-tailed hull that was one of my favorite everday boards.unfortunately it developed a huge delam on deck of one side.a agl i teach with had a friend who’s son wanted me to fix his dinged-up modern longboard.i went to check it out-just a totalled piece of crap( even when new it was crap) anyway, i tell the kid waht it would take and that it probably wouldn’t be worth it-he just just get a new one.well, this was one stoked grom who had just started surfing a few months before.he and mom were also very short on $.i took one more look at him and his stoke, a look at that piece of crap board trying to figure out what i could do to help it live a little longer for him.fuck it, i said.went to my truck, pulled out that 9’ round-tailed blade and gave it to him.his big ol’ grin and excitement was all i needed to see…about a year later i saw the kid out, on the board and ripping! he thanked me again and talked on and on about how he loved that board and all the fun rides and progress he has made because of that board… pricelss…

i strip the wax, fix the dings and give it a new spray for more life!

i had a really bitchin’ 9’ round-tailed hull that was one of my favorite everday boards.unfortunately it developed a huge delam on deck of one side.a agl i teach with had a friend who’s son wanted me to fix his dinged-up modern longboard.i went to check it out-just a totalled piece of crap( even when new it was crap) anyway, i tell the kid waht it would take and that it probably wouldn’t be worth it-he just just get a new one.well, this was one stoked grom who had just started surfing a few months before.he and mom were also very short on $.i took one more look at him and his stoke, a look at that piece of crap board trying to figure out what i could do to help it live a little longer for him.fuck it, i said.went to my truck, pulled out that 9’ round-tailed blade and gave it to him.his big ol’ grin and excitement was all i needed to see…about a year later i saw the kid out, on the board and ripping! he thanked me again and talked on and on about how he loved that board and all the fun rides and progress he has made because of that board… pricelss…

i strip the wax, fix the dings and give it a new spray for more life!