When good planers go bad - gross pic inside

Sat night, trueing up new template for next board, had a nice curve, took the RUNNING planer off the plywood and straight into my left hand. In a flash, ive lost the tip of my left middle finger and there is a very CSI blood spray on the wall and floor. On my own, so drove myself to hospital and sat in emergency for 2 hours - got sent home on painkillers.

Wont be doing that again.


Ouch, I feel your pain. I did almost the same thing a couple years ago while changing out my bearings. I can’t remember why, but for some reason I had it plugged in, triggered it, and the planer torqued sending the blade right into my left index finger. Instant blood spray and intense pain. Didn’t take it to the hospital, just drank a beer and put a bandaid on it…

Yeah, I had to look! OUCH!!! Good it was only a small bite. Should heal up fine save maybe a numb spot on the end there.

You’re now a member of a very exclusive club: The Truncated Left Middle Fingers Idiots.

Welcome, brother.

Thank you brothers - my middle finger salutes you all.:):slight_smile: