What happened? I know it`s been a while since I posted my last message here. BUT WHERE DID EVERYBODY GO? All the good ole Swaylocks “regulars” are gone? What happened? Bummer.
Hey Sorry, I’m a newbie. Just started shaping…in '68.
I checked. The archives say your last post was “stevepage – Tuesday, 8 April 2003” Where the heck have YOU been? Congrats on your “Otter” Pavel single fin in the last Surfer`s Journal! Howzit that thingie been workin?
Welcome back Steve. The regulars are still around. I just think some are kickin’ back a little – watching the flo. Mike
Steve.Most of the Master Craftsmen have gone to the new State of the art Fat Panguin Factory.The board is extremely advanced and it takes high quality workers to complete the product.Test Polls indicate that the Fat Penguin will take over the Surf Market within thirty days.Rumor has it that Clark Foam may possibly be re-tooling the whole blank line and all current Clark Blanks will be rendered obsolete.According to sources at the “Larry King Live Show” the creator of the Fat Penguin is actually a 12 year old Spammer working on his Mom’s computer in Australia,who created a vast market by spamming every website in the world devoted to surfing.The young Spammer was invited to appear on Mr. King’s show but his Mom said he can’t come to the USA until he overcomes his bed wetting problem.Anyway…welcome back to Swaylocks.
gawl dangit! i knew this this was going to happen sooner or later. i’m off to my bunker - the world is going to end! oops, can’t forget my beer…
" What happened to Swaylocks"? Answer: “Stick a fork in it. Its done.”
many have been driven away by drivel. I’m close to it myself. Glad I was here for the good years, tho…
I recently approached a tee shit company with the idea of printing event tee’s for Swaylocks. I invited these guys to look around and see what they thought of the great opportunities for shapers, board builders, and enthusiasts. I think they checked it out and saw some of the grey matter floating around and thought I was crazy. No response. Credibility is in here but harder to find with the world in the web. This might reflect on our larger social issues. The TE / Fat bird spam is kind of like the homeless guy planted on the city bench in front of a local downtown business. He might scare away people from that location, but has every right to be there. Do we need to re write the constitution? I’m not sure, but I don’t think so. Mike has been completely great about letting things go, but it’s a much more complicated world now than it used to be.
What the hell is complicated about it? Thats such a ignorant old hippie philosophy "just let everything go and itll somehow govern itself". Even fools know things with motion require direction! What or who is driving Swaylocks? Asleep at the wheel or no steering wheel? The result is the same. This forum
s groove is gone. I`m outa here!
I agree, it may be time for a beer-perhaps a Washington state keg.However, I’m not sure about running to the bunker yet. It is odd to be considering the history of swaylocks when it seems like only yesterday you could drop down to the bottom of the page and find Mike and Herb’s first posts. But in this speedy world everthing seems to be compacted. The old guard, I think are still here, They are just harder to see in the crowd-the wave is getting crowed. Yes, some topics seem redundant but new builders always need help-and sharing is the name of this game. The more new builders, the more new ideas.The saving grace for old bastards like myself is that many of the new posters are very knowledgable. In fact some of the new guys have raised the level of the site-see posts by doc and Bert. When these new people combine with the old guard such as cleanlines you get some interesting stuff-see the teak thread. In any case, change is always exciting and entertaining. The only thing lacking is that noodle is not here to have another go at the two foot waddling bird-that would be entertaining. Keep up the good work Mike. Patrick
With a new Forum like UBB-Threads T.E. can hav his own Subforum where all FP threads are moved to… there can be a classics forum and one for hollow wood boards… myself will hang out on the XPS board a lot [smile])) cheers marcus. PS: yes, it does flow by itself “Hippie Style” and I can only speek for me but I don`t need a direction, the more directions the better.
The tragedy of the commons. One guy builds a beautiful place, invites a few friends, they invite a few friends, and eventually people are spraying graffiti on the walls. Same story throughout history. Options: #1. You live with the worsening situation and end up drinking sewage along with your water. #2. You make rules that people either live by or suffer some consequence. #3 You move to the next great frontier and believe it’s utopia until someone pisses in your well again. I’ve only known about Swaylocks for a couple of years, but I’ve derived a great deal of useful information from the site. Maybe a rating system (ratings done by participants, reviewed by Mike) would help. The higher the number, the more reliable your input. The lower the number, the more you’ve been inclined to use the forum as a marketing tool or as a venue for inappropriate material. The lowest rated participants would either get bounced or be relegated to simply watching the discussion progress without their input. Or just ignore the garbage.
i have been stuck in the shop bullding like a mad man,new creations and shapes and colors …
sounds like the Patriot Act.
It would be a drag to just see only the old time Swayaholics posting here. This forum has always welcomed new members. It’s just sad that as of late, there have been a few very disrectful posters that have spoiled it for the rest of us. There are other sites where personal attacks, vulgar language have their place…not here. Lets keep it clean guys/gals, thats what made Swaylocks unique.