Where is Innegra best placed?

I've got a sample of some 4 oz Innegra S cloth.  I am building a carbon railed board with the following schedule.  4 oz e cloth, 1/42" bamboo veneer, 4 oz e, 2# eps, 4 oz innegra, 4 oz s cloth.  Is this the best spot for the innegra, or would be under the veneer be better?  I'm just reading innegra related posts and I cant make my mind on the best spot for it.

…put it in the nearest dumpster…

 Hahahha… Good one .   I was wondering who was going to bite on this one.   I’m not laughing at the original question, it’s valid in it’s intent.

Actually kayu is most likely correct.  

  But in keeeping with proper helpful forum ettiquette , he should back up his statement with his reasons why,   really…

I realize the 4oz. innegra was a sample . That being said . It’s fabric weight is the most blatant issue.    I’ll let kayu fill you in on the rest.


I suppose it could be described as one of those dead-end side tracks we all go down , to eliminate and debunk another marketing push… it priced itself out of the market basically ,and offers little in return…just my opinion, though…

eriesurfer , probably under the 4oz on the deck ,as an inlay would be best IMO…do you vac?

No, you’re right  imho… It’s overpriced for what it is and what it does to strengthen a surf board.   Maybe in a  multi layered ballistic panel used by the military?

The material, polypropylene or even a nylon like Cerrex is a viable binder that offers a delam and crack resistant layer as long as it’s very light (under 1oz. per sq. yd.) and unobtrusive enough.

Unfortunately the innegra product is too heavy even at   2oz. and also  too expensive to be of any real value.



I've got a sample of some 4 oz Innegra S cloth.  I am building a carbon railed board with the following schedule.  4 oz e cloth, 1/42" bamboo veneer, 4 oz e, 2# eps, 4 oz innegra, 4 oz s cloth.  Is this the best spot for the innegra, or would be under the veneer be better?  I'm just reading innegra related posts and I cant make my mind on the best spot for it.


ok wanna come back  

type of board 

what is your goal

what is the core 

why the carbon?         

4oz innegra is far too heavy unless you are putting it in a log you would most definitely not use it in the bottom lay up.  i have used in  test boards for over 4 yrs some of these boards are finding there way back to me and i am in the process of refurbing them, dents and all.   the innegra 2 0z under 6 oz e glass decks have stood up well considering.

but as it is being said, it is overpriced/ and you will still dent decks but it does seem to save the e glass a lot of stress

i have also used cerex for around the same time and am convinced it is easier to use and seems to have an even better resilliance

put your details up and lets work out a sched.

cheers huie

kayu, i am vac’ing on the veneer.  i dont think i am going to use the innegra now after reading your comments.  and now that i look at the material again it does seems heavy. how much does this stuff cost anyways?  i had no idea it was so expensive


huie i had planned on using 4 oz e under the veneer and vac’ing it. then 4 oz e wrapping the deck over the veneer.  on the bottom i was thinking about doing the the innegra under 4 oz s but now i think i may do double layer 4 oz s on the bottom since innegra doesnt seem to have that much of an advantage against dings and dents for the weight it adds. 


thanks for the help!

Huie, glad you’re back.  Maybe a new thread called “vetted and valid layup schedules”.  There should be several.   I’ve been doing 3 by 4 oz with the middle layer rotated 45.  I have some cerex but haven’t had a chance to use it.  I can’t decide whether to sandwich it or put it against the foam for better adhesion.    OK, I’m started a new thread.  I need the points.


all the best


huie i had planned on using 4 oz e under the veneer and vac'ing it. then 4 oz e wrapping the deck over the veneer.  on the bottom i was thinking about doing the the innegra under 4 oz s but now i think i may do double layer 4 oz s on the bottom since innegra doesnt seem to have that much of an advantage against dings and dents for the weight it adds. 


 dont be in such a rush.    i guess the weight factor is not such a big deal in this board?  dble 4 botton put a 4 patch in fin area more than ample

for the deck and you still have not said what foam you are using. this is how i would tackle this one.

i would glass the veneer with the innegra on a flat bench  make sure it is wet out properly

when its gone off at least 4hrs you will be able to cut your skin to the correct shape you want with a pair of scissors.

then mix a slurry of epoxy with micro ballons  not to thick   (thick shake )    apply to skin in an even manner

stick it in bag.

the ennegra will not effect the harmonics of the wood ( the twang will be there)  and it will be as solid as. 1x 4oz over will finish it.

i stoped using e glass under skins a long time ago

in future use the cerex the nylon is a perfect match for the veneer skins  that is not how i do it any more. but have done many that way with great results.

cheers huie

Huie, are you glassing the veneer on the inside or on the outside of the deck with Cerex?  Inside, right?  thx

2 pound eps foam is what im using.  thanks for all the great info huie! ill have some more pics soon too.

This is getting good !..erie ,it’s good to know you got your inegra at the right price…would be good to see some pics of this board , as you go…I was too quick to critisize the stuff actually , apologies for that…but its becoming too common for some materials to be jacked up in price ,once they  gain a bit of exposure and demand …looking forward to the build , hopefully with some pics if you can…

kayu no problem! ok so here are the latest pictures. decided against the innegra on this one but i will be building an identical board with innegra next to compare.

pic 1 - 4 oz sglass on veneer
pic 2 - board with rocker template. i was doing dry runs measure how much rocker came out when it was under vac. it lessened the rocker different each time but max was about 3/8" so i decided to throw the rocker template in.
pic 3 - in bag
pic 4 - waiting on ginal layer of glass