Where to buy materials in Perth?

G’day there,
Can someone who knows dial me in on where I can purchase some resin and cloth in/around Perth, W.A.
Also, if there is anyone here who has built with wood, I would like to get into contact for some local expertise.
Surfs been crap so far unfortunately…

I just completed a HWS course in Fremantle…

We used georgeous Paulwonia, clear Cedar, Cork, Bending Ply, surfboard grade clear epoxy and fiberglass…

Richard Ashton at the Fremantle School Of Fine Woodworking has an excellent shop that is available to the public and the wood resources…He is THE MAN you need to see…Ask to see his 7’3" HWS…

What he does not have, he knows who does…

You name it, it’s available…

Tell Richard I say “Hi”…

Paul - now in Melbourne

You can get resin and cloth from boat supply shops, e.g. Whitworths. Or online from e.g. shapers.com.au. Paulownia can apparently be gotten directly from Highpoint Timbers. Not sure about bulk balsa.

Hey shaazam; look in the yellow pages for “surf supplies”.in perth. good crew.have heaps of gear and the old man Les is a good guy.this is the name of the company.