I would like to make a board using Volan cloth but not sure where to get it. The fiberglass warehouse has a numbr of different types of Volan cloth listed but I am not sure which one to order (see link). Any suggesstions? Also, I expect that glassing with Volan will be somewhat different then what I am use to, any pointers would be appreciated. Thanks, Rick http://www.fiberglasswarehouse.com/fiberglass_cloth.asp
We have a guy here who uses alot of 10oz volan on his boards but they are all retro longboards. Depends really on what your doing http://www.surfboardglassing.com
I am looking at making a longboard noserider with dimensions of 9’6" X 18 X 22.5 X 15.5 and 3". 50/50 pinched rails. Still trying to decide between the Clark supergreen 9’8"S or the 9’9"W. I like the look of the greenish tint Volan glass but not really sure where/what to get. I have glassed a few boards but have always used the silene finish glass with free lap. I have read alot here in the archives on doing a cut lap but have not yet tried it. http://www.fiberglasswarehouse.com/fiberglass_cloth.asp
yeah id go with the 10 oz as it is similar to what he does, however i have NO clue on glassing with it http://www.surfboardglassing.com
Rick, Give the guys at Fiberglass Supply (509.493.3464)a call. They are into board building and can help you with that. Good luck, Matthew
I have used 10oz, 7oz, 6oz and 4oz. The 7 and 6oz is really not all that different from 6Silane cloth. It might take a little more resin to wet out and it might take a little more time but not to much. 10oz is a bit tricker as you can imagine with the extra wieght. Personally, I feel that 10oz is overkill. 7oz will provide a strong durable finish and is easier to work with than the 10oz. And yes you will need to use cut laps because volan does not dry clear. If no cut laps then you will see lines wherever the end of one layer overlaps the others along the rail. That is no good. looks sloppy. There is a TON of info on doing cut laps in the archives. Good luck.
Hey Rick, If you like the Volan look just glass the board in regular 6oz and mix in a little yellow and blue tint. Just put in a little at a time to get that Coke Bottle green. Take a little sample and kick it off to see if it’s the right color, if not add more resin or add more tint til you get the right transparency. Most of the volan I get seems to have quite a few flaws in the weave, so you have to be really careful, lots of funky off color strands. And like posted above volan nowadays is a 7 oz cloth, not like the old 8 oz stuff. 6oz works great. -Jay
Volan is only a surface treatment, kinda like Scotchguard for fiberglass cloth. It affects strength exactly zero one way or another. It glasses just the same. Most heavier cloths I buy are volan, whether I want it or not. hope that’s of use doc
Volan seems to hold more resin and results in a thicker/heavier/tougher glass job compared to silane of the same cloth weight. The 6-8oz stuff works like standard glass, and you don’t need to do cut lap lines. Just be sure to cut out your layers carefully and hit the cured laps with a body file to hide any large shifts in the fabric. But cut lap lines look great with volan, even with no resin tint so it is worth the extra effort on a nice board. I haven’t used the stuff in years simply due to the added weight I always got with it, but I have been thinking of using it again on my next fish just for the hell of it.
yeah, how would a fish with volan work? sounds like a truly retro board.
Fish with Volan is killer! A big thick fat stubby fish with volan is even better! Drew