Which foam type-expanded (EPS) or extruded (XTR)?

Interested in an epoxy shortboard - which way is the wind blowing lately on the advantages/supremacy of EPS over extruded?

It appears lately on this forum that EPS reigns but those Patagonia and EpoxyPro XTR (and HDX) boards really seem high quality. Will the XTR’s delam and blow so I’m safer buying a custom EPS epoxy for long term durability? Is water absorption a non-issue now with EPS?

Thanks, John

I prefer EPS over XPS. XPS has a lower melting point and is basicly unstable at 165¼f. EPS becomes unstable at 185¼f and that 20 degrees makes a big difference. On the other hand XPS is water tight and doesn’t suffer from water intrusion the way EPS and urethane do although this issue is no longer a large one on either of these. All foams today have issues because of the low densities we use. In my experience EPS has the best balance of features.