Have spent several hours researching how to build a Hot Wire here and know that i should invest in a Variac. ( only batteryn chargers i can find are automatic and even they cost as much as the variacs i can find here in Sweden)
Question: Which kind of power spec do i need ? I can get one that has output voltage of 0-262V and 3amp current ( nominal) and 5amp max.
but what about the powere rating? the ones i can get in sweden are 0-262 v and there are different models that go from 1amp to 50 amp. the more powerful ones are bigger and more expensive so i dont want to over do it…
i use one of those, it got enough power for shure. Only problem is that it gets a bit warm from time to time and then it switches off automatically. Try one that is very old, they’re more robust. I build like one surfboard a year, if you build one a week then of course you should probably invest in some proper equipment…
looks almost like mine. like you said not much to loose: if it doesn’t work just sell it on ebay. Try different wire diameters, also the lenght of the cable from the variac to the cutting wire affects the resistance notably.
I use an old computer PSU. I get them for free. Just go to your local recycle place and ask if you can take one out (or take one from your old computer).
I use the rule of “60W per meter of wire” and adapt the resistance of my wire to it instead of the voltage.
I know a variac doesn’t require calculation, but you can’t go cheaper than a computer PSU and you find them everywhere. You only need to calculate this once in your life and you always have a cheap and consistant cutting wire.