Years ago I was in a Florida glass shop and they were putting a little bit of white resin in the lam resin. The boards were free lapped. Anybody heard of this?
They were adding just enough white to kill the color Silmar resin.
Years ago I was in a Florida glass shop and they were putting a little bit of white resin in the lam resin. The boards were free lapped. Anybody heard of this?
They were adding just enough white to kill the color Silmar resin.
Yep, used to do it on my personal boards. Looked clear, but was a brighter white, and slowed the yellowing of the foam. Did that from 1969 through the late 70’s. This was before UV inhibiting additives were widely available.
Not really any reason to to that these days. Silmar now has a version of 249 with an optical brightner and the three main suppliers of blanks in the U.S. are all much whiter than Clark or Walker was in the good old days. I would think that if you did that on an Arctic (very white) or a US or Millenium that you might not be that happy with the effect. Especially the “cloudy” appearance at the stringer. Lowel
Epoxy still turns at some point. It just takes longer to turn. I’ve added white to some boards. They aren’t old enough to know whether it helped.
Once the inhibitor is used up by the sun, it turns ugly pretty quick.
I kind of like the idea of a cloudy chalky white color. Obscuring the stringer a bit would be nice. I am already getting a kid to print faded color logos. Always looking for something new. I was part of the black wetsuit no logo underground movement in the late 60’s…maybe it’s what I am after again.
Maybe just use no logo and sign the the hotcoat with rapidograph india ink pen. Gloss and do a dull wetsand or speed spray rubbed out with red scotch brite.
all my boards are UV cure with catalyst added. below a threesome from last year of the same template 5’5 quad my fave. the one on the far left is a whtie pigment lam, not completely opaque obviously. all 4oz S- glass. free lapped white pigment lam bottom. the deck - first did a white lam zip lapped to the bottom of the rail, cured, then free lapped a clear 2nd layer over it. and of course it is still the same bright white. all the boards are hair under 5lbs without fins
The zip lap with a clear over is a great idea. I may try it.