I’m in the process of glassing my cedar chambered board. I seemed to forget how much I suck at glass. So besides the fact that my bottom lam kicked too fast leaving a lump every thing is ok. My question is for someone with experience glassing cedar. I first squeeged a cheater coat. After it kicked off I then laminated as usual. No problems except white spots have developed over knots. This happened over time as they were clear for probably a day. Thoughts?
Delam due to high oil/sap content in the knot. You might try a pre- seal of the knot with Cyanoacrylate glue, (super glue) prior to cheater. It works well on Redwood endgrain.
Thanks Thrailkill. Wish I had known that because I always have it around the shop. I use it for all kinds of stuff. Do you think the de-lam will be constrained to the knot or …?
It may stay just as it is, or may propigate to the full size of the knot. I’ve seen it go both ways. Thermal pickup, from the sun, seem to stimulate the process. Try to keep the affected surface as cool as possible.
I ran into the same problem, and it grew and grew. I ended up stripping the whole board since it looked like it would be more work than its worth. I pretreated like crazy the second time around and so far things look much better. However, I’ve learned my lesson. My old thinking was that they knots added character, but my new thinking is to avoid them at all cost!
My thinking was that I’m a cheap a$$. Acttually I wanted to make a board. There is a cedar yard across the street. They had a pile of white cedar and it had knots.
I’m just going to glass on a fin and surf it. And make another of course.