I recently bought a white epoxy Walden longboard, and on my third time out on it, I ran over a rock. I got lucky, and there was no water inside, so I fixed the ding (there was no water inside) and sanded it flush. Then, I painted it. And sanded it back down. And re-painted it. And sanded it back down. After trying four different kinds of spray paint (including Krylon Fusion and Rustoleum Appliance Epoxy), I found that all four looked gray when compared to the rest of the bright white board. Not good. Also, when I sprayed the Appliance Epoxy on it, I covered it with Krylon Crystal clear, but it ended up crackling the painted area. That was fun to get off.
So…Is there any way to match the ultra white original color of the Walden? Or am I destined to have a gray patch on the bottom of my new board?
I hade some bright white PU mat paint mixed at the resin supply house that I use locally, for just such use as we are getting more and more Surftechs to repair in the shop. Any automotive paint or bulk boating supply place should be able to do it for you. It covers well, doesn’t cause problems if you clearcoat it, and looks much better and is more durable than what I found in a can. Of course, you have to clean your pistol after every touchup, but the results are great.
Howzit matteogeer, I think the best thing would see if you can find out what Walden uses. I’ve known epoxy builders who use automotive paint which can be very toxic(PPG) Aloha,Kokua
Thank you so much for your responses. Here’s some more background on my conundrum.
A) Walden’s epoxy boards are made by Boardworks.
B) I sent emails to Walden and the Boardworks distributor and got two responses. One suggestion was to use ultra white nail polish for small dings (mine was bigger than small). The other was as follows:
"The best way to get the paint to match when re-spraying is to sand the area to be sprayed,(through the clearcoat), then spray your white. After it dries you can lightly wet sand and then clearcoat over it. After that dries you can polish the clearcoat to help blend the old and new paint. I just had a long conversation with the factory repair guy for Surftech in Oceanside and he said even with the factory paint, it is almost impossible to get it to match perfectly, (especially on the bottom where you are dealing with a large surface). For further info you can go to his website at www.hendigrepair.com
We are in the process of ordering 4oz. aerosol cans of paint for the Boardworks boards although it will be cheaper to buy aerosol paint from a hardware store,(especially when using white).
Hope this helps."
Unfortunately, it didn’t help me much.
C) I don’t have a air compressor, thus no pistol.
D) Should I just bite the bullet and run a stripe across the board to cover the wound and pretend that it’s there as a “skid plate”?