Who made Allen surfboards in the 60's?

I have just bought an old californian mailbu, but know nothing about the brand. Does anyone out there know anything about Allen Surfboards?

Allen surfboard were made in Long Beach Ca.1961 to 1963 .By John and Al Faas. Blanks were Dave Sweet hard shell foam. And glassed with 20oz. glass. Gordon

Thanks Gordon,

The board is 9’ 8" by 22", with a double 2" balsa stringer and wooden ‘D’ fin. Its a bit sun tanned, but otherwise in excellent condition. I bought it in Sydney Australia from guy who picked it up for US$530 it to put on top of his hotrod when he was on a driving holiday in California two years ago. He paid US$200 to ship it back and intended to keep it but ran short of money and let it go. By Australian standards I would call the shape classic 1964-65, nice rocker through the bottom and widest point back from the centre.

I am looking forward to a small clean day to give it a try. the surf since I got it has been 6’ plus and I have been ‘restricted’ to my short board.

Were Allen boards considered to be OK? Do you know what killed them?

Mark (Macmasters Beach, Aust)

Does the board have rings on the logo kind of like the Olympic label?In the late 1960’s there were custom boards shaped by a California shaper named Allen.THe factory was in Jacksonville Florida and it was huge.Wayne Land also shaped for them.If it is one of those boards I could give you the whole History of a very interesting company. RB

Hey RB,

I’ve got an old longboard in my garage that is an Allen and the logo is a four circles, kinda like the olympic rings you described. I’d love to hear about the company if you know about it. I’m on the East Coast (VA) , once saw another Allen in a shop in Pensacola.

I got the board about 15 years ago , a friend of a friend left it with me. It is 8’8" and was in rough shape the nose had been repaired (badly) and then painted (Yeah looked pretty hideous LOL) It weighs a ton

I didn’t help matters when I cut the big honking D fin into a more streamlined shape. Now the THUNDERPIG resides in the rafters of my garage. I did ride it one summer day on a clean 2-4 foot swell a few years back, it catches waves easily, pearls easily LOL

Jim N

Here are some photos of the board in question. platty.

Dear RB,

The board has two irregular circles around the logo as shown in Platty’s photo. Is this the label you refer to?


Yes that is the logo I am talking about.In the late 1960’s there was huge surfboard factory in Jacksonville,FLorida caled Glass Resarch.They made customs,popouts,and had a blank moulding operation.The place was huge making maybe 20 boards per day.Lots of popouts and customs.They even made fins.The company only lasted around two years.I worked there for a few months.It was weird because they had imported some great talent.Wayne Land,George Miller,and this Guy Allen who I never met.Some of the brands they made were Allen…Allen TP (total performer)…Land&Miller…plus around 3 popout labels that I can’t remember.Your board looks just like the ones I am speaking of.As to where it was made I can’t really say.When the factory closed the Shaper named Allen went back to California and perhaps Australia??The logo is right though.I am going to check around some more. RB

Dear RB,

Thanks for the info. The board also has the number 1122-7 written on one of the stringers if this is a help to identify it.

What years was the campany operating? Would this board have been a custom, a shop board?


I was going to create a new post but maybe this is the discussion to get into.  I recently picked up an Allen board.  It's in pretty rough condition though.  The fin has been removed and has had some pretty shotty repairs done on it.  It's a pretty classic 9-0 pig shape with some pretty hefty glass and foam.  The logo on it says "Allen Surfboards, Long Beach CA".  Not sure if this is the same company that was referenced early form Florida or this is a seperate one.  Any help on the origin would be greatly appreciated and any images you may have on the D fins you have on the other Allen would be great as well.  Thanks.  Mike





Hey Gordon--  So where does the name Allen fit into or come from with the Faas bros.?  Do you think the Allen that was in Florida for a time had something to do with the Long Beach/Faas operation?   The reason I asking is that there is an Allen in Oregon who used to make boards as well.  Jim Allen in PC.   

And then there was Allen Funt...the creator of Candid Camera..But he didn't create surfboards.

You guys are killing me.

What about  Steve Allen or Alan Parsons?  You're killin' yourself.  lol


There are quite a few of these boards floating around Jacksonville Fla. with the same Logo.A food place and bar named Cabos has one hanging on the wall.

In regards to aforementioned board,there was a Allen that hung in Cabo’s(pizza joint in Jax Beach,Fl)unfortunately Cabo’s closed down about 6 mos ago. Board was a 9’6",single stringer. There are 2 allen stickers on the nose(with olympic style rings)board is feather flex special model. I currently the board,its in great condition,considering its age,still rides great. Currently have it up for sale. Anyone have any idea as to what it might be worth today?


What about  Steve Allen or Alan Parsons?  You're killin' yourself.  lol



Allen Iverson

Woody Allen

Tim Allen

Ethan Allen

Edgar Allen Poe

Paul Allen

Lily Allen

They all screwed up surfing in one way or the other.

No Doubt!   Friggin' Kook Hodads!

Edit Edit. last Allen TP I saw sold on ebay fpor $350. It was in South Carolina. I gave one to Clay Bennett.

I just remembered that the guy doing glosses was from Australia. I used to hang out with him in the glossing room when he shot clears at night. i wish I could remember his name. Maybe he returned to Australia with the board? They had a top notch crew. Wilton Keiuma from Hawaii ran the glass shop…Wayne land and George Miller shaping. Big Nick sanding. The blanks were good too.

As someone already mentioned, Allen Surfboards were made in Jacksonville, Florida. I was a dealer for them in Pensacola in 1967. I know they closed down the big Jacksonville plant not that long after, but I’m not sure if they relocated to California or not. I sold tons of Allen TP’s and we even had an Allen Surfing Team which Yancy Spencer and his brother John surfed for at the time. In addition to the custom boards which were great, the company (Glass Research) also manufactured pop outs and small sailboats.