In California how would one go about getting a wholesale license? So it would be possible to sell things at wholesale. Thanks
Look up “Franchise Tax Board” under the “Government Offices-State of California” section in your phone directory. Contact them to get resale number information and the application paperwork. Note that if you sell wholesale, you will be responsible for demonstrating that all your (wholesale) customers also have valid resale numbers. If they do not, then it will be a retail sale and you will be responsible for the sales tax that should be (or should have been) collected. You also have to pay sales tax on any items that you purchase that are not resold. How frequently you have to file the paperwork regarding your sales/purchase history and any sales tax payments typically depends on your cash flow rate.
Note that this is all independent of any additional business license required by the local governmental agency where you are doing business. Contact the appropriate local agency to file for that license. If you are doing business under a fictitious name, then you will have to file for doing business under that name (including publishing notice of doing business under that name in an appropriate publication–typically in an approved local newspaper).