Why are Surftech boards so expensive?
g’day Kayu, I am happy to be corrected although I know for sure its not all in this category. So where can we get this Aussie fused cell EPS?
the twin fin McCoy you did the wood for looks really nice - is it a sandwich? As you probably know I like the sandwich construction, I really enjoyed riding the McCoy nugget I borrowed from my mate (it was a tufflite).
I know why you are trying to put surftech down, you are in the industry and in fear of losing your job to imports. I do understand what job insecurity feels like. But all the slanging of the competition thats going on this thread really doesn’t look good. I’m sure there are BASE lurkers following this too who won’t be happy. There are better ways of facing the competition, build a unique/better board and the results will speak for themself.
what you produced looked really unique, I’m sure you will be fine.
They aren't particularly expensive at my local shops. About equal with a PU from a name brand.
Surftechs are not expensive! Traditionally built PU boards are too cheap!
Why are Surftech boards so expensive?
Why are Surftech boards so expensive?
to crate the illusion that they actually worth somt'
Why are Surftech boards so expensive?
Why? I've honestly wondered the same thing. They're mass produced with cheaper labour. Should be less expensive. Right?
Of course it could be that a few individuals are making out. Kinda like private equity companies or creative financial products. By the time the average Joe figures it out the the $ in the bank.
they have a good brand profile backed by a high quality yet cheaply produced product allowing for respectable margins for retailers. business is business. if you want to make money as a MANUFACTURER then these are the simple requirements. whimps that bitch about it, while possibly being good craftsman are obviously shithouse businessmen
produced product ??? is that allowed in engrish
Speaking of overpriced.......I was in a shop the other day and they had PU shortboards from one of the top names. If you looked closely it was obvious that these boards were 100% machine shaped. If you looked at the machine marks you could see that there was very little or no sanding of the blank or rails before glassing.....no real shaping. The glass jobs were not particularly good. Yet the price on the boards were $650 to $725. Talk about overpriced. At least with the surftec you are getting some technology and a board that will hold up. These boards were every bit as much of a pop out as a surftec. Probably made with cheap immagrant labor here in the US or Mexico. So what's the difference?
Manufacturing= 10%-15%..............Marketing hype royalties profit = 85%-90%
i like how polys feel in the water. and they smell better. and they are nice and heavy with double six ounce. they moves some water.
whats the difference is a strange question . comparisons can be made, but the differences are obvious.
each to there own. ride what you like . just not anywhere near me
i couldnt give a shit what people ride or how much they pay for it. im grossly offended by anyones presence at MY break
I think you missed my point. I realize that there are performance differences between a PU and a Surftec. My point is in regard to the value in a grossly overpriced machine shaped PU board that happens to have a big name shaper's logo on it and a Surftec. Both are equally soul-less pop-outs if you ask me.
i dont think it matters really my point is that when im surfing i dont want anybody else around period. i dont actually give a shit about the industry or what people pay for boards its irelevant. its not the board its the waves and the comany u choose . i could surf a 20 year old yellow board and have a good session. or equally a surftech . if people have money they want to spend it. let them spend it.
its the biggest wank of all for some crew to rekon they are somehow more CORE by there little bum budie surf gangs and team riders. exclusive attidudes and bullying. fark them all. gimme a line up with a begginer on a bodyboard over some wannabe pro anyday. crew that makes boards for these blowhard showponies are so ego driven . they cant wait to try and pay out on anyone that doesnt fit the mold YAWN
my advice to you is get a blank a surfom and a 20$ planer and make your own and surf where you have to walk for an hour and you will be happy. showponies dont like surfing when there is no film crew or fans and entourage to tell them how great there were and how they laid down some filthy airs
[/quote] Exactly nj !..........pity the demand wasn't flowin on to surfboard builders
I love what your sayin silly I see that shit happen here in florida so much its ridiculous.I have a friend that was mad at another friend cause he got to many photos from the photographer that was in the water.You would absolutely hate living here its hard to spread out sometimes but I have my places to go.Crafty knows!
Oh yeah surftechs I personally hate em.Some people love em.To each his own.
It is interesting to see all the comments regarding Surftechs. When I posed the question I left out any additional comments just to see the reaction of fellow Swaylockians. I appreciate everyones comments. Personaly I cannot see ever owning one, they are just pop outs. I will only order a custom board from a local shaper. I have nothing against other people buying them, but I hate to see people taken advantage of. Surftechs are made overseas with cheap labor and little environmental restrictions. They are cheap, cheap, cheap, They should be selling them at Costco for a hundred bucks.
The simple answer is that people are willing to pay the price for them and have been doing so by the thousands for over ten years.That’s why they’re so expensive. If people wouldn’t keep paying the price, the price would drop.
In a free market exchange of goods or services both parties must think that they have benefited. Apparently that is the case with these boards.
As I’ve told several “local shapers”: When you call a Surftech customer a kuk you probably won’t get to sell them their next board.
You can’t blame the retail stores for pushing them. For one thing they actually make a profit on them. For another they don’t have to be concerned with their supplier backdooring them as many “local shapers” will do.
It goes both ways. The retail shops never really supported the “local shapers” and the “local shapers” never really supported their dealers.
The Surftech business model is one of the first in the surfing industry that actually treats the product the way most other products are treated in US commerce.
Is this good? Or bad? It just is. And it seems to be successful so far.
As for me I could care less what kind of board you buy or ride. Now your surftrunks on the other hand where are they made? In the USA I hope.