Why Gassy Glass on only certain parts?

Ok so i missed Keith’s Shape-O-Rama, but I shaped the board I was intending to do at the O-Rama. I shape it, glass it, everything perfect right, right. So yesterday it’s a perfect dry 74.7 degrees in the shade so now I hot coat, perfect no problems…errr wait, at about 7-10 minutes into the gel stage I start to get bubbles in only the green part of the tint job, the lightest color, about 20 bubbles total… Now I’ve mixes opaques & tints together, but only tints with tints, and Opaques with Opaques. I’ve got about 5 colors going on in the swirl, and only the fricken green tint gets all gassy. What’s the deal with that, I’ve never run into this before. Anybody have any reasons why this happened? Just one more step i didn’t want to do, poking holes in resin, and fill’n em up,
