Why I Choose BioFoam

I choose biofoam because it gives me the same performance as a poly board but is nearly 1/2 plant based. The company that manufactures the blanks Homeblownus www.homeblownus.com is very environmentally minded. They are constantly searching for a way to further reduce the petroleum used for biofoam. They are working on plant-based resins and have been carbon neutral for sometime. The time will come when all surf board manufacturers are forced to be more responsible and offer their customers a better choice. That time is now for many shapers in VB, FLA, RI, NC,CA, NY, NJ, Eng, HI…and so on. Join the movement www.throwns.com

I choose wood because it gives me the same performance as a biofoam board but is 100% plant based. The company that manufactures the wood, Nature www.thegreatoutdoors.com is very environmentally minded. They are constantly searching for a way to further reduce the plant seed used for wood. They have sap resins and have been carbon neutral for sometime. The time will come when all surf board manufacturers are forced to be more responsible and offer their customers a better choice of wood. That time is now for many shapers in VB, FLA, RI, NC,CA, NY, NJ, Eng, H, Moon, Mars and Venus…and so on. Join the movement www.ilikewood.com

Now thats fuuunnnyy.

Oops! This thread just went the wrong way…




I choose bsfoam because it gives me the same performance as a wood board and a biofoam board but is 100% bs based.The company that manufactures the bs, BS Inc www.bs.com is very environmentally minded. They are constantly searching for ways to further reduce the methane used for bsfoam. They have re-cycled snake oil and bio-ice that have been carbon neutral for some time. The time will come when all surfboard manufacturers are forced to be more responsible and offer their customers a better choice of bs. That time is now for many shapers in VB, FLA, RI, NC, CANY, NJ, Eng, H, Moon, Mars, Venus, and La La Land …………… and so on. Join the movement www.ilikebs

I agree, I am not perfect. To clerify; wood is made of carbon. If you leave it in the forest to decompose back into the ground then it is carbon-neutral. If you cut it out and make it a surfboard then it is not. If you use sustainable farming practices then you can re-plant cut trees and neutralize carbon loss over time. Getting 100% plant based resins and balsa has been nearly impossible for me (due to availability and price). I am working with hemp and bamboo currently trying to lower my impact. Products made from 100% renewable resources would be best, and I hopefully I’ll reach that end. Until then I will use every practical option to make a lower impact product.

Ned, is that you?

No, not Ned…but is cool…


wood is made of carbon. If you leave it in the forest to decompose back into the ground then it is carbon-neutral. If you cut it out and make it a surfboard then it is not. If you use sustainable farming practices then you can re-plant cut trees and neutralize carbon loss over time.

Not to be a picky one but carbon loss is not a concern at the moment. It is carbon release. Burning fossil fuels, releases carbon into the atmostphere which increases climate change etc. Not that logging is harmless …

Now if we burn the wood, that is a different story.

I agree with you partially Nephtys, release is a major concern. Trees assimilate carbon (CO2) from our atmosphere and though we try to replace forests the carbon transfer takes time. We really need to look at our material use from a systematic standpoint so that we can make a constructive impact.