Why not "hot coating"(filler coat) with epoxy?

Good people

Just finished sanding an epoxy glass layer(my friend would say:-Miguelnot sending, is just taking off the bright!). Yes, but for that, in some manner, I litle damaged the fiber cloth. And if I become really precious "taking the bright", worst! I guess vacuum baging would take apart some of this!..

Well the thing is, hot coat`ing with epoxy would make it: stronger, lighter and best sticking to underlayer(probably forgiving miss sanding spots)

Is the choice for polyester because of the price? Is it because of the dificulty for sanding?.. The shining bright look?.. 

Thank you & have fun.       Miguel

Hola Miguel, Que Tal?

You answered your own question with your follow up questions. Yes to all three. You can use epoxy but have to add SA. (surface agent) to it. Or, just add your own wax (parrafin) if SA isn't available. Poly is easier to rub out, cheaper, ETC.

Buena Suerte.

Hola Tblank, como estás?

De puta madre contestarme!.. Bien, I know this is an “old” subject here on Sways… This SA is a kind of “parafin”  for making epoxy easier for sanding, isn´t it? Is it aproved by “epoxy chemist producers”? I mean if it doesn´t change epoxy main characteristics? There is also another product for nullifying epoxy regular parafin while glassing(avoing the need for unpolishing)? The same way its not aproved by "epoxy industrys" and cancels some good epoxy features, isnt it?

Going back… Another change with epoxy will be the flexibility…

Doing epoxys(24h) hotcoats, it will be harder to make a thick rails cover. Could I work to mix small “microspheres” amount on resin. Have fun.            
