Wide fiberglass cloth for SUP and other glassing ?'s

What width fiberglass cloth is used to glass SUPs that are near 30" wide and where do you get it? I see 27" and 30" widths offered. Is there a strong reason to use s-glass instead of e-glass for extra strength over EPS due to the wider and longer dimensions of a SUP or is e-glass ok? Can a standard 1 x 6oz bottom, 2 x 6oz deck schedule be used, or something different?

not hard to find in wider sizes, eg. thayercraft.com sells cut lengths in 38, 44 and 50 inch widths…

Hey Keith,

I have some blocks of EPS in my garage waiting to become an SUP and was thinking about the same thing. Rather than get the wider glass, would it be reasonable to simply offset layers of standard width glass as poorly illustrated below. With an additional layer over the top, and just enough offset to wrap the rails, you could get 3 layers of glass across most of the width of the board, and 2 near the rails.

Tigermeat, that’s just what I did on my first SUP, as I couldn’t find any wide enough cloth to do good rails cutlaps. Works OK.


For what is it worth, I am having a SUP shaped by Ron House at the moment. It is EPS/Epoxy. The glassing schedule is triple 6 on the top and double six on the bottom. Don’t know if it is S or E glass. I also had some discussions with Eva the Boardlady about what is a good amount of glass for a SUP. She thought that double 6 on the top if it is not a compsand was probably not enough, although we may have been talking about lighter density EPS like the 1lb range.

I believe Steve Boehne uses a layer of 6 oz and a layer of 8oz on top for his SUPs.

Just my $.02