wide point in relation to board length


Say I have a 5’10" with the wide point 2.5" ahead of center.

If I want to scale this down to a 5’6", using (2.5/70) x 66 = 2.357"

so for a 5’6", my wide point would be 2.357" ahead of center?

basically, is wide point location a percentage of board length for a given design?



IMO that would work for all dimensions when scaling for that board (multiply by 66/70), so yes


Another way to do the same thing is length / two, and then either add or subtract to move it forward or rearward…

5’6" = 66 inches.  66" / 2 = 33" - which will be your midpoint.  When measuring from the tail, anything in excess of 33" would be forward of center and anything less than 33" would be behind center.  Reversed, if measuring from the nose, of course.   

Hey Free n Easy

Could you maybe explain again the equation for how you got that number please?

I 'm sure it’s obvious enough to the mathmatically minded but I missed it


scaling down to a 5-6 (66 inches) from a 5-10 (70 inches) so the ratio is 66/70

66/70 = 0.942857            70/66 = 1.060606

Ahh and so then multply 2.5 by the above. Eureka!
