has anyone ever tried windsurfing fins in longboards? I just scored this here and wanted to give it a try. it’s a bit more than 8" in depth, the base is 5,5" wide.
[img_assist|nid=1075585|title=windsurfer fin US Box|desc=|link=none|align=none|width=640|height=480]
it’s another month till i get to the ocean. I wonder if it will work. I am building a 9’ / 23" longboard at the moment. as the fin was not that expensive, i consider cutting a new outline out of it and refoiling it. is this worth the hassle? or would this fin be a good starting point for my longboard?
I do not believe this fin is handfoiled, I’m quite sure it is CNC milled.
Altough the fin states that is is custom, I believe that it is a fin that comes as a standard with a Jason Polakow wave board.
Do you live far from the northsea? There is some swell coming this weekend. Not very big, but places like domburg, maasvlakte or scheveningen could be very nice for testing your longboard.
I'm in full agreement with Bernie. It should be A-OK as a longboard single fin. If it makes you feel better, wet sand the logo off, trim the trailing base a smidge, redrill the pivot pin hole and call it a surfboardfin. Nobody else has to know.
Johnmellor, Oneula, thank you for your replies! I was hoping for that! the foil of that fin is actually nice and the guy who sold it to me said that it was handfoiled, so I only wanted to grind it down if the sway folks agreed that it wouldn’t work. awesome!