Alrighty, back at it!

I have been building stuff recently that I don’t normally build (like… longboards?! wow right?). So it was only right that I tried something I haven’t done before with a familiar design- Chined rails… and on a winged swallow to boot. This is totally new for me. I have done them on a longboard but that’s about it! Excited to see how this one works.

DIMS: 6’2.5" x 20.75" x 2.75" x N 14" x T 15.75" Vol 39.5 Ltrs
Bottom Contours: Rolled entry, deep single concave into healthy double fading into Vee out the tail
Rocker: Staged. Low Entry 4.4" with a kick out the tail 2.25"
Blank: Bennett 6’9" PU.
Glass: As usual I will use 4oz S-glass with RR epoxy
Plugs: FCS II plugs
Color: CRAZY bright resin tint reminiscent of MR :wink:

I did a pretty familiar fin placement and I would like to get your thoughts on how I have laid out my 5 fin setup. I have time as I will be installing the fins after glassing.

Fin setup=
Center Fin: 3 3/8"
Front fins: 11" from tail and 1" off rail
Rear quads: 5.75" from tail 7.25" between i.e. McKee


Chine rails? … Maybe it’s just the way I see the photos but I don’t see any chine rails?

I think he’s referring to the “edge” along the rail bottom.
I love my winged swallow quad.
The cluster looks too “tight” to me. Maybe some others can chime in on that.

Its there I promise! Ha ha. It is a pretty small chine since the rails are regular SB rails (a little full for sure). Here is a bit better photo. ITs really hard to get a good shot that shows the edge.

Yup just the photos … Not that any of that had anything to do with your question haha.

Yeah man, I would love to hear some thoughts on my fin setup! I still have plenty of time to adjust.

I saw Chrisps super sick grey swallow tailed 6’2" and forgotten that I never posted the finals of this winged swallow that I built months ago. So here it is. Haven’t ridden it yet (put it into the shop to sell but no takers as of yet) but since no is buying I’m keen to get it into the water :wink:

Personally I would push the fronts slightly forward and the rear slightly back. I like a little distance between the front and rears, but that’s just me. Otherwise, looks damn nice from rails and shape down to fin placement. it will definitely work. Just hard deciding on what the end user will want out of a board before it has an end user. You are clearly good at what you do, so good job.

Clint -“Sick” looking Graphics! How did you do that? Foam Stain? Tinted resin?