Wingosaurus Rex

Just thought you might like this one: I had been working for a few hours trying to make something out of a badly twisted blank (with a twisted stringer, too) and it didn’t turn out O.K. at all. I was feeling quite depressed and my jig-saw happened to be around at that precise moment… That’s how it all happened… Now, Wingosaurus Rex’s skeleton hangs from my workshop’s ceiling, overlooking what’s going on down there:

Great weight savings to be had there. Now all you have to do is glass it and put a vent hole in!!!.. and stop stealing my logo idea…hehehe


Hicksy, I’m terribly sorry. I swear I never intended to steal your logo. (By the way, yours looks rather like a FISHUS SIMPLEX, doesn’t it?) Maybe we should ask one of the old carps (eh eh eh) to settle the case?

balsa- That is so cool! I think that is one of the neatest things I’ve ever seen done to a screwed up board! A+++ -Carl

that’s the most interesting flex board I’ve seen in a while.

Thanks, Carl! Thanks to you, Keith, too. Glad you liked it. A la prochaine!

Just a bare bones attempt, gee I crack myself up…


Fishing for compliments on that one, eh?

No I’d be completely gutted if anyone thought that…

Hey I think I hurt my head on that one…

