[WIP and F.C.] New Clark Delicatessen

Sometimes, you get lucky.

For instance, you just meet a fantastic balsa wood stock just around the corner…

That happened to me recently and I still have some.

Or you can discover someone still has a Clark and do not intend to use it.

“It’s your’s if you like”.

Well… i got that luck a few days ago: a brand new clark is mine !!!

A blank that just popped out the McFly’s DeLorean.

A real 6’3"B from the age of Fluos and War Paints.

For such a a blank, I needed a really good project to shape.

As I felt like shaping myself a kind of 80’s Twin, I could not have a better chance to succeed.

My program is to use as much foam as possible to create my own board.

I’m almost tall (1.83m ~6’), almost heavy (80kg) and almost old (36) so I need foam under my feet.

I’ll go on a flat deck, single to double concave, vee, sweet rails sharpening at the tail… Simple but efficient board.

I took some mesurements, pictures, started drawing a template… I think I’ll refine some curvres here and there.

To make that board unique, I won’t go on a standard twinnie but on a Twinzer Set from Lokbox.

That board will rip, I already know it.

I like the way your threads always follow the food theme …

Will you make a “sausage” board one day , Lob ?

salut !


shape the board of the century

twentieth century

a refried fish?


the lob deluxe ground breaking

archeologist delighting…wave magnet

transcendendant ether penetrating

water boiler perfect for cooking

… lobster…


Good luck with the rocker…

Your design is perfect use of this blank. I like the fin system you selected as well.

Bon Chance!



I look forward to seeing it finished- what’s the length going to be? If it doesn’t work for you I’d be happy to give it a home!

I’m listening to Dean Martin’s ‘French Style’ LP in honor of you and Balsa. (a signed copy I got in a Ventura thrift store on a surf trip years ago- I had to get parking change from the floor of the truck to pay the 25c they wanted for it)