Wollongong (Aus) heritage surfboard. Can anyone help ID manufacturer?

I’ve recently come across an old “Tracker” style board. 

Not a square tail so not a true tracker I’m told but a pintali with all the area well forward. she’s 8" x 22", hull bottomed with a monster Greenough style fin. 

I’m guessing around 1968 or 69… the summer of lurve… same year I first stumbled to my feet on my mate Rex’s vee bottom at manly Beach in Sydney.

This board though, she was made in Wollongong.

Has the decal deck and bottom. It’s been a light yellow by the looks but has now faded to the point where you can’t make out the name of the manufacturer. It’s a circle about 5" in diameter with the outline of a surfboard bisecting it horizontally.There appears to have been writing above and below the board shape. You can make out very vaguely the outline of some funky sixties lettering… It may be PETER above the board and it looks like maybe C—SS below.

The address IS still very legible, being printed in black ink.


Can any of you S Coast NSW old timers help me out?

Cheers and Happy Nude Year…


hi simon


is that the leopard skin one for eli ?


  if so , do you want me to post a photo of it for you ? [you can email some if you like ? not always easy to remember how to post shots here eh ?!]



I'm guessing that if "beerfan" or 'mds' or 'entity' or ross ['quentin' , here] don't know the board[maker] ,


  then maybe david platt [' Platty' , here ] might ??  ..... he is a few years older than all those guys , I think ?


or maybe Geoff , from 'surfresearch' ?  [ I'm 'pretty' sure that is his swaylocks username [geoff] , here ?? ] ...last I heard , he was in shoalhaven , yes ?


  cheers mate , good waves to you !


  ...I'm hoping to FINALLY get back in the water tomorrow ?! [friday] ...wind permitting ...it's still ONSHORE , while I type this at 10.25pm thursday .....  I want to take the "go pro" out again , to try to get more shots of craig kneeboarding [he stands on it too,  though...]




  it's sure been hot enough here to be a "nude year" so far , THAT'S for sure !  ...the visiting swedish backpacker girls certainly seem to enjoy it  !

You could try emailing a photo off to clarrie@iprimus.com.au - local surf photographer and he has a website ( http://sandonpointphotos.com/ )

Been around for a while and knows lots of people, if he can’t help you out he will be able to point you to someone who can.


Eli’s leopard skin deck patch board is a George Rice.

Matticus, I will try Clarrie’s email…

Thanks to you both very much!

ah yes , so it is simon ....  [ starting to get forgetful , in my dotage , eh ?!]


good on ya , leo wa......    !!


  that's what is GREAT about swaylocks , cheers mate !


  [lazarus is me brovver , mate !   [he ain't heavy !]





A usefull contribution would do terrible things for my image, but I do hope he can help you out.
If you want to help Clarrie out ask to subscribe to his daily surf photo mailing list, he is trying to increase circulation no’s for some sort of government grant.
Not much in the way of surf shots lately though, no waves.


Ben - Sorry - I got locked out of Swaylocks for a while, I’ve been meaning to get back to you…

...they locked out leo wan... ???!!


  but ,


WHY ?!



Stop looking everybody, I found it!

During the course of repairs I painted a filler coat over the decal on the deck. By letting the light hit it a certain way, squinting one eye & standing on one leg, you can just make out that she’s a PETER COLLESS Surfboard. 


I’ll post some pics when she’s done.


Thanks for your trouble and I’ll see myself out…



it was the standing on one leg that did it ...


  when you see yourself out , be sure to use BOTH


  I eagerly await the photos !


  speaking of piccies .... now I will go and post up some shots of the deck of the trigger brothers stinger on my facebook page for you ...


cheers Simon


Another happy finish!


Well this was the end of last year and I don’t think it was just me!
I have flaky internet too, which doesn’t help at all.




I've recently come across an old "Tracker" style board. 

Not a square tail so not a true tracker I'm told but a pintali with all the area well forward. she's 8" x 22", hull bottomed with a monster Greenough style fin. 

I'm guessing around 1968 or 69.. the summer of lurve.. same year I first stumbled to my feet on my mate Rex's vee bottom at manly Beach in Sydney.

This board though, she was made in Wollongong.

Has the decal deck and bottom. It's been a light yellow by the looks but has now faded to the point where you can't make out the name of the manufacturer. It's a circle about 5" in diameter with the outline of a surfboard bisecting it horizontally.There appears to have been writing above and below the board shape. You can make out very vaguely the outline of some funky sixties lettering... It may be PETER above the board and it looks like maybe C---SS below.

The address IS still very legible, being printed in black ink.


Can any of you S Coast NSW old timers help me out?

Cheers and Happy Nude Year..






so ..... 


 "what's ON  in WOLLONGONG " , eh ?


  well , old 'trackers' , apparently


  thanks for THIS link , simon ...


  worth posting here , for 'Platty' , among others ...






cheers !



" Not a square tail so not a true tracker I'm told but  a pintail  with all the area well forward.

She's  8'  x  22" ,

hull bottomed ,

with a monster Greenough style fin. " ..... [ photos posted on Simon's behalf...]

photo tracker2_zps41858eb1.jpg

photo tracker1_zpsfd854c52.jpg

  the board in action [that's him riding it]

photo tracker5_zps1d41ae0a.jpg

photo tracker3_zpscaf40a1d.jpg

photo tracker4_zps59ac9c72.jpg


 cheers !




