Wood flooring for shaping room

Hey, cool to see the site back up!
This might be obvious to some but I am curious if anyone on here has installed wood flooring in their room. I’ve had friends sing the merits of it, but not sure what kind of wood is commonly used, and things like a subfloor etc. just interested in any input.

The floor in my room is uneven as it is, mostly caked on paint that I once took an angle grinder to. I think installing wood flooring could also eliminate this problem as well. Thanks all

I’m sure it would be fine from a leveling standpoint, but resin (at least epoxy) sticks to wood as well as it sticks to anything. I would think some sort of vinyl might be better from a cleanup standpoint.

Ahoy rnoll,
Not doin much glassing, and would put something down if so, also have a bib.

Wood + foam dust can be slippery. Something to keep in mind when working with a power planer…

I have used a Self-Levelling underlayment to level up concrete and wood floors. Mixed properly, it is poured out and seeks its own level. Once it is set you can get an epoxy kit from big box store and have a nice finish and increased light refraction. Easy to keep clean too.