geting ready to lam a mal with a 2cm wide stringer. do i need to prep the wood before i lam?
For the most part no. What kind of wood? How old is the wood?
If you are a bit worried than you could do a cheater coat of resin and 5-20% Styrene.
Its pine ,what exactly is a cheater coat, is it a thin coat of sanding resin so it soaks into wood before lam?
Never used it as a stringer, but pine can do funny things to poly resin, I found it really really slowed down cure. Have you got an offcut you could do a test on?
Pine will work.
Knots suck though.
Probably should cheater it though.
Sometimes oily if fresh.
Better to be safe than sorry. Seal the stringer with diluted poly or epoxy whatever you use to lam with. You can mix epoxy with denatured alcohol (isopropyl) and baste the stringer. Alcohol is less expensive than styrene. If there are any knots, do them twice and make sure the coating is dry before glassing. Good Luck.
Thanks for all info ,i will see how i go.
the pine , is dry kiln im using sun cured resin so i will give it plenty of time in shade, thanks for your help.
…you can bypass most problems by using epoxy for the glue-up…it will bond the foam to the wood much better without the brittleness of poly , and be far more flexible and less prone to snapping.