Wood Style Board for Special Forces Search and Rescue Base

Sorry about the long absence ladies and gents.   A buddy of mine is getting ready to retire from the USAF Search and Rescue Unit out of Moffet Air Base in San Jose.  He asked me if I knew anyone that could make a wood board with their emblem on it that they could display on the wall at their base. 

He is a great guy that has done amazing things on behalf of all us.  He is not looking for a freebie just  a name and contact info of someone that might be interested in such a project.  His first ideas was a 6 6 lightning bolt style single fin.  

The only wood board I made was during a Paul Jensen 2 person class so there is no way I could do another on my own.  I appreciate any leads and ideas.  Darren 

Check your PM’s.

I have just the board you want… It’s about a 6’3" redwood single fin… I almost have the rails all on… The template is based on a Late '60’s Phil Edawerds template, modified by Bill Thrailkill and given to my by David Falkenau close to a decade ago… I’ll post some pictures…

Some Photos…

Darren, careful not to use “Special Forces” in regards to those guys around Green Berets.  In the older, less civilized days of the military it would have certainly started a fight.  Haha. 

(No offense and not being a grammar nazi type guy.  I’ve just seen it happen before)

There’s a heavily glossed longboard (which I’ve always found a weird shape for the task) at NAB Coronado with a SEAL logo that’s been hanging there for years and I’ve always wondered about how it got there and why. 

He’s on the east coast, Florida, but I am currently having a board made by George Robinson, I cold called him a week or so ago and he was responsive.  The next day we chatted for about two hours on the phone, pretty awesome conversation about a lot of things, most of it balsa boards. 


Buzzy Trent’s son, Ivan was a Navy Seal instructor. He may be responsible for the longboard in NAB Coronado.

That’s a beauty!



Yea, I think it is a bit too hokey for him and was probably made well after he was at BUDS, was probably some kinda promotion or someone stole it from Mc P’s.  But it is in the gas station right off the beach, not exactly a place of honor.  Glass job is really pretty though.

And yea, not trying to be cryptic with my original comment and now, at the risk of sounding didactic: SF is a term used for Army only.  SEALs, Air Force PJs and Marine Special Operators are not Special Forces.  Splitting hairs, maybe, but it’s like calling a Marine a soldier or someone who SUPs and nothing else…a surfer. 

To OP, Call George, easy google search.  He talks a bit like an east coast Owl Chapman and is a great guy…as is Owl.

Be well all.


THanks for all of the advice and ideas.  My buddy has linked up with a Central Coast guy that PMed us and they are in the design stage. Dont worry pictures will get posted.  And I really appreciated all of you who reached out to us.  

Cool, stoked to see it Darren and congrats to your buddy.  
