Wooden surf board ?

Im building my first wooden surfboard and its 9'6 but I only have 4'0 cedar strips.  Could I do a butcher block pattern on the whole thing or will that not work?  Any suggestions would be great.  The wood is reclaimed off a construction job and im trying to save money.  I could buy some longer ones to go with it but the less the better on the wallet.  Thanks,  Dale

The woods cedar that has been stained about 30 years ago I think

Depends on your construction method. Are you doing a hollow (with an internal frame) or a chambered (solid and chiselled out) board? Either way, in theory the answer is yes. You just need to think it out lots before hand. If you're doing a hollow you could use even shorter pieces (much shorter) in a herringbone pattern which looks great but you need to plan your frame carefully. Take a look over at treetosea.org lots of great stuff happening to wood over there.

thankyou for the nice response.  I will think before I plank(LOL)  Yes I am doing a hollow and its my first so I am very excited and any info is greatly appreciated.  I tried opening an account on treetosea and Im having problems with it.  I'll figure it out though.  Thanks again.

Swaylock's has a cool search box......Up there on the RIGHT....in the blue.....see the blank box....type in your word and click the GO button.......don't worry if you get an error meassage...keep searching....Swaylock's has your wood......


Thanks,  yeah I will do that and Ive been.  Sometimes I just get stuck on thought or dont find what Im looking for.  thanks for your comment brotha man...........