Woodenships........................for Tomatdaum..........

…Woodenships on the water… “Bearing free”…and easy…

…Easy… you know the way it’s suppose to be…

…silver… people on the shoreline… let us be…

…talkin’ bout “Bearing”… free… and easy…

Crosby,Stills,and Nash

…for Tomatdaum…a True Waterman’s Waterman…

Tom ,I plan on meeting up w/ Bill T. Tuesday,hopefully I’ll have time to stop by(I should w/o a problem).

substitute “very” for “bearing”…

herb-i don’t know exactly what’s going on in your world, but whatever it is you have our support for sure…

paul- that s-deck thang you are building is blowin’ my mind!

Herb. Me and D and Ginger will keep you in our prayers. Its been 12 yrs since my little bout . YOU can beat this thing, hang in there buddy. Via con Dios!!