So I figured that if a 5’2" is good enough for Slater that a 4’6" would be even BETTER! Actually the good folks at Coil - Mike and Kirk agreed to undertake my unusual request and build us a wakesurfer. Mike - thanks for the effort, I appreciate it, although I had to chase the Fed Ex guy down the street, on my way home, to get the package! Hopefully we’ll get it out on Saturday for it’s maiden voyage.
Glad you were capable of outrunning the FedEx truck, would love to have seen that one… What exactly got fouled up on your delivery address?
In addition to being the ‘‘world’s smallest Coil’’, this board had several other distinctions:
''Most time spent in factory" - Special projects always take longer…
"Largest dossier of specs’’ - I had to start a file folder to hold all the stuff surfdadcpa sent me (at my request, I should add). To borrow from Wouter, ‘‘learned: - don’t ask a CPA for numbers’’.
“Toughest time tracking down fin box jig” - I could have built a hundred in the time it took to get the jig for the little canard boxes. But my Future rep came through in the end.
LOL - you loved all the numbers, admit it! Not sure what happened with Fed Ex - the hand written label on the box was fine, but Fed Ex indicated that the data record showed the address as an “apartment 3” rather than the business “suite 3” and so was routed incorrectly.
My penchant for quantifying everything I can sort of bit me on the arse this time, but the goal was to give your son an ‘‘apples-to-apples’’ comparison; Coil’s tech on a shape he already knows. I had to have a lot of numbers to do that, especially for something so far outside the lines of what we normally build. And you were ‘‘just the guy’’ to supply them…
You did a great job with it Mike. The tech is definately suitable for behind the boat. (if I can just get the pictures to post now! )
That thing is sick!!!
Awesome job, as usual, Mike! Any chance of getting those confusing numbers, just curious.
Also, would love to see a good shot of the bottom.
Damn, your boat throws the hell wake! The hull designs and ballast systems are so tricked out now. Look at YOU go on that tiny little thing! Hope it goes good for your son. It can be his secret weapon in the comps cuz I doubt we’re going to be building them for anyone else. Keep me posted on how it holds up, Eric B heard it was going on a boat and packed in some extra fiber. Should be tough enough to take some heavy use.
It is a great looking board. This is the only picture of the bottom that I have readily available. I’ll try and remember to take some more this afternoon.
Thanks for the compliment, but all I did was hack up a piece of EPS and route some holes in it. Kirk and Eric Brasington (and our incredible sander, Mike Cote) do all the magic.
The numbers are surdad’s, not mine to give out… Too many of 'em to list here anyway.
Sweet board Mike.I imagine at the speed the board is going the flex of the Coil must be like slingshot.
Mine is freakishly fast out of turns.Cool to see the tech in a new application.